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Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own cloth综合练习 I. 选用方框中适当的词,并以其正确形式填空。 instead of, stay up, be strict with, the other day, learn from, at present, be good for, be interested in, be terrified of, make mistakes 1. Linda doesn’t have any time. We have to ask Tina ____________ her. 2. Please hurry up, or we’ll be late. Our teacher _____________ us. 3. Susan is very careless. She _____________ some ___________ in the English exam yesterday. 4. The little girl __________ big dogs. 5. Kate is a good student. All of you should ____________ her. 6. I saw her only ___________. 7. Do you think eating too much meat ____________ your health? 8. We like to study with a group because we can __________ each other. 9. ________ our vacation is too short for us to do some volunteer work. 10. You shouldn’t _________. It’s bad for your health. II. 补全对话 A A: We have a lot of rules at home. B: So _1__ we. For example, I have to stay _2___ home on school nights. A: I usually do, too. But sometimes I’m allowed to study at a friend’s house. What about weekends? B: Well, I’m allowed to go to the movies with friends ___3___ Friday nights. A: Me too, but I have to ___4_____home by 10:00 pm. B: And on Saturday afternoons, I’m allowed to go shopping ___5____ my friends. A: That’s nice. B: And I’m allowed to choose my own clothes, but I’m not ___6___to get my ears pierced yet. B A: Did you use to be afraid of the dark? B: Yes, I___1____. A: Are you still afraid of the dark? B: No, I_2__ not . How about you? A: Me? Oh, yes! I’m terrified __3__the dark. B: So, what do you do about it? A: I go to sleep ___4_____my bedroom light on. III. 单项选择填空 1. We should _______ our monitor. He is the best in our class. A. hear from B. learn from C. be strict with D. learnt from 2. My sister likes cars. She learned how to __________ it. A. drive B. wash C. buy D. push 3. Students ______________ to stay with friends at night, because it is dangerous. A. should no


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