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新视野2答案Unit Text A Vocabularytedious a. boring and continuing for too long 冗长乏味的Telling the story has become tedious, as I have done it so many times. 讲述这个故事已变得单调乏味,因为我已经讲了这么多次了。oblige vt.(usu. passive) make sb. feel that it is necessary to do sth. 迫使;使负有义务He felt obliged to help his mother, even if it meant leaving college. 他觉得有责任帮助母亲,即使这意味着他要离开大学。absorbed a. so interested or involved in sth. that you do not notice anything else 极感兴趣的;全神贯注的;专注的Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book. 在聚精会神地读一本好书的时候,时间过得非常快。allergic a. 1 (be ~ to sth.) (infml.) if you are allergic to sth., you do not like it and try to avoid it 不喜欢某事;对某事反感Most men are allergic to housework. 大多数男人都不喜欢做家务。2 having an allergy 过敏的I do not enjoy picnics because I am allergic to grass. 我不喜欢野餐,因为我对草过敏。excursion n.[C] a short journey you take for pleasure 短途出行;远足It was such a wonderful day that they decided to take a day excursion to the mountain. 这么好的天气,他们决定去山上一日游。Included in the Beijing tour is an excursion to the Great Wall. 北京之行包括了游览长城。earnesta.very serious and sincere 非常认真的;郑重其事的At the office he was very earnest, but he’s more relaxed now. 在办公室他很认真,但是现在他放松多了。Frank is an earnest man; he works hard and is also very reliable. 弗兰克是一个认真的人,他工作努力,也很可靠。exclaimv. say sth. suddenly and loudly because of surprise, anger, or excitement (由于惊奇、气愤或激动)呼喊,惊叫Susan exclaimed horror when a young man with a gun suddenly appeared from behind her. 当一名年轻男子突然持枪从苏珊背后出现时,她害怕得惊叫起来。whoa interj. said to show that you are surprised or that you think sth. is impressive 哎呀,哇(表示惊讶或认为某事物令人赞叹)civilizationn. [C, U] a society that is well organized and developed, used esp. about a particular society in a particular place or at a particular time 文明(社会)architecturen. [U] 1 the style and design of a building or buildings 建筑风格;建筑式样2 the art and practice of planning and designing buildings 建筑学capture vt. 1 succeed in recording, showing, or describing a situation or feeling, using words or pictures (用文字或图片)记录下,描述,捕捉Some a


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