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B.A.S.I.C.S. International Brothers And Sisters In Christ Serving… Update… Since my return on June 25th, things have been very busy here. Please except my apology for not writing sooner. I want to thank everyone who extended their support to BASICS during my visit and continued to do so after my departure. End of School Year Arts Camp.. Sponsored by BASICS End of School year party ( For Junior Secondary School Students) They are on their way to Senior Secondary The New School has started… and Students lining up for books Our New Site, Before and After under construction Stay tune for final pics… Coming 1st November Almost there.. Grand Opening 1st November Stay tuned for final pictures * B.A.S.I.C.S INTERNATIONAL Brothers And Sisters In Christ Serving A special thank you to my various hosts, whom opened their homes and invited me to share the story of BASICS. I was able to travel to Boston, Virginia, Washington, Maryland, The Catskills, and of course my home town, New York City. Another special thank you to the Churches, who also invited me to speak to their congregations. Because of ALL of you, BASICS was able to secure sponsorship for over 100 additional children for the 2005- 2006 academic year. This will bring our sponsor- ship to 400 children, providing all former sponsors renew their commitment. PLEASE NOTE: All those who made a donation ( Jan 2005- to date) to sponsor a child, for the 2005- 2005 Academic Year. We are NOW completing registration ( school Reopened Sept 15th, however shortly after, teachers went on strike and just resumed last week) . ALL SPONSORS will be assigned a children very soon, a biography and photograph will be sent our shortly after. I ask you to please exercise patience, while I am dealing with this Very large administrative task alone. I want to say, its because of ALL of you, BASICS was able to secure financial support to move into our new home, which will serve as a Multi Purpose Center. Nana’s



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