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更新来自坎迪斯与Leonette 阿斯塔 机器翻译.doc

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更新来自坎迪斯与Leonette 阿斯塔 机器翻译

更新来自坎迪斯和Leonette 阿斯塔 机器翻译 更新来自坎迪斯和Leonette/阿斯塔(机器翻译)2010-12-31 16:37更新来自坎迪斯和Leonette/阿斯塔 By Ashtar thru Leonette,Teaching by Candace通过阿斯塔通过Leonette,教学坎迪斯 Dec 30,2010-6:43:54 PM2010年12月30号-下午6点43分54秒 Candace:We will hopefully provide an update tomorrow sometime,that was the goal today with CM.坎迪斯:我们将有望提供一个更新明天的某个时候,这是今天的目标厘米。Things are very intense.东西都是非常激烈。Ashtar provided this to Leonette just this evening,and its anice refreasher to all of you,to remind you of what is being removed.阿斯塔提供这Leonette只是今天晚上,这是一个不错的refreasher给你所有的,提醒你删除的是什么。There are some items we may not have covered and if we did,some of you are new and may not know it all.所有的项目有一些我们可能没有覆盖,如果我们做了,有些你是新的,可能不知道。I can make the statement that the announcement period is going to be up to 3months in length,and that you are to continue to be prepared for your special roles that you will be stepping into.我可以做的声明,该公告期间将长度可达3个月,而且你要继续准备为您的特殊角色,你也会进入。 Other than that,I must be quiet until Christ MIchael prepares aformal update.除此之外,我必须要安静,直到基督迈克尔准备一份正式的更新。I did place some comments at the end and teaching within Leonettes piece.我没有地方的一些评论作品在Leonette年底和教学内。For some readers who may not knonw,Ashtar commands the evacuation fleet amongst other duties including teaching.对于一些读者谁可能不knonw,阿斯塔撤离命令的其他职责包括教学车队之一。Evacuation would include transport to other destinations as covered in this piece.包括交通疏散到其他目的地的这件作品所涵盖。The command ship for Ashtar Command is the NEW JERUSALEM.阿西塔命令指挥舰的是新耶路撒冷。You have seen that in the bible as coming down from heaven in some way or the other.你已经看到圣经,在未来其他的从天上下来,或以某种方式。The New Jerusalem craft is huge and has ahuge computer system,that handles all the details about soul and soul placement.新耶路撒冷工艺是巨大的,拥有庞大的计算机系统,处理所有细节的安置灵魂和灵魂。It has acomplete copy of all the soul records of folks form earth in event there is say,nuclear damage to souls.它有一个完整的副本在事件地球上所有形式的对人的灵魂有记录说,核损害的灵魂。It also provides the sorting of families,because when there is evacuation,you get aboard and sort out everything else afterwards.它还


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