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浅析公路路面质量建养一体化 李 俊 (长沙理工大学 交通运输工程学院,湖南长沙,410004) Analysis on Built a integration of Road surface quality LI Jun ( School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004, China) Abstract: After 20 years of development, our province highway construction career obtained fast development, by the end of 2010 our province highway traffic reaching a total of 2386 kilometers, our province in the construction of highway 4064 kilometers, traffic construction and a total length of 6450 km. So it seems that 1025 our province highway has obvious big construction, development, the basic characteristics of the cross. How to improve the highway construction level, ensure that more than 4000 km of highway construction quality, how to achieve more than 4000 kilometers highway successfully built a transition will be our province highway 1025 period of facing two big problems. Therefore, it is very necessary and summarizes the already open to traffic in hunan province highway in design, construction leads to speed up the pavement performance attenuation experiences and lessons, to improve the follow-up highway construction quality to provide scientific reference, to enhance the quality of highway construction, effectively reduce the highway maintenance cost the operation period of the target. In view of this, this article will be based on performance test data and use maintenance experience, summarizes and analyzes the highway pavement structure design and construction of the influence of maintenance. Key words: Road surface; Pavement diseases; Road surface quality; Built a integration 1前言 路面工程是高速公路工程最主要的部分。现行《公路技术状况评定标准》(JTG H20-2007)规定,路面使用性能指数PQI在公路技术状况指数的评分计算中占到了70%的权重。由此可见,高速公路路面的养护尤为重要。自我省第一条高速公路长永高速公路于1994年12月建成通车以来,湖南省高速公路的建设历史已达17年。截至2010年底,全省高速公路通车里程达到了2386公里。湖南省高速公路在多年的运营管理中,积累了丰富的各类路面结构使用性能检测数据及各类路面的养护维修经验。本文将基于使用性能检测数据及养护维修实践经验,总结分析高速公路路面结构设计和施工对养护的影响。 2 湖南省高速公路路面典型病害的特征与成因分析 从我省已通车5年以上的主要高速公路的典型病害的调查来看,路面裂缝、坑槽和车辙是我


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