American Civil War美国内战英文简介.ppt.ppt

American Civil War美国内战英文简介.ppt.ppt

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Causes Of The American Civil War Before the civil war, the United States is made of four areas: 1. Northeast (the New Zealand ) – the growth of industrial , commercial and population density; 2.Northwest (Midwest today) free farmers here developed quickly, Northwest Ordinance grant here has no slavery; 3. the Upper South - reclamation farm, but part of there economic declined; 4. Southwest - economic zone of cotton are quickly developed. 在内战前夕,美国是由四个截然不同的区域组成的国家:    东北部(即今新英格兰)—成长中的工业与商业及相应之人口密度增长;    西北部(即今中西部Midwest)—自由农民于此迅速发展,拜西北条例(Northwest Ordinance)之赐此处永无奴隶制度;    上南方(the Upper South)-垦殖农场,但部份区域经济衰退;    西南方-雨后春笋般蓬勃发展的棉花经济区。 The conflict between north and south Although Lincoln,whom from the northern republicans, was not the advocate of liberating the slaves, he thought slavery was inhumanity, and he opposed expanding slavery. But the South,which always with slaves to develop its industry ,felt strongly opposed. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected President, and he mentioned in the platform which is protecting tariff and The Homestead Act greatly harmed the interests of southern slave owner. Two months later, the southern government started to rebel, the northern government had to accept the battle , the civil war began to erupted. 南北对立与冲突   来自美国北方的共和党人林肯虽然不是解放黑奴的倡言者,但他认为蓄奴不人道,反对扩大蓄奴,而一向以奴隶来发展产业的南方对此感到强烈反对。1860年,林肯当选总统,而林肯在政纲中提及的保护关税及《宅地法》大大削弱了南方奴隶主的利益。两个月后,南方政府开始发动武装起事,北方政府被逼应战,南北战争开始爆发。 东部战场 1861–1863 西线战场1861–1864 泛密西西比战场 1861–1865 The best evidence of the changes that had occurred in warfare from Jomini to Clausewitz can be found in the campaigns of Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant. The latter was born Hiram Ulysses Grant in Ohio but through confusion at West Point he became Ulysses Simpson Grant. Appointed to the military academy, he found it distasteful and hoped that Congress would abolish the institution, freeing him. He excelled only in horsemanship for that he had displayed a capability early in life and graduated in 1843, 2lst out of


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