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存档编号 大 学 学 士 学 位 论 文QQ空间视角下的大学生小团体形成及其演变过程分析作者声明本毕业论文(设计)是在导师的指导下由本人独立撰写完成的,没有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反道德、学术规范和其他侵权行为。对本论文(设计)的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。因本毕业论文(设计)引起的法律结果完全由本人承担。毕业论文(设计)成果归赣南师范学院所有。特此声明。作者专业:信息管理与信息系统作者学号:作者签名:(手写有效)20 年 月 日(手填时间)QQ空间视角下的大学生小团体形成及其演变过程分析The analysis of the formation and evolution of the college students in the Angle of QQ space摘要大学生小团体是校园里常见的非正式组织,它对大学生的全面发展有利有弊,为了让小团体对大学生产生更加广泛的积极影响,需要对其进行成因和演变过程分析,之后根据结论提出意见。在这里通过问卷星发放网络问卷,然后用SPSS软件对收集到的数据进行描述性统计分析和单因素方差分析,以得到大学生小团体的形成原因。发现小团体的形成原因可归结为心理需要、兴趣爱好和外在客观因素3点。不仅如此,又从QQ空间视角下采集2个班的空间动态点赞和评论信息,分为3次,之后用UCINET软件对数据进行社会网络分析,得到小团体的演变过程总是向人数、数量更多的趋势发展,小团体之间通过“桥”连接成更大的小团体,其中同一寝室学生组成的小团体成员关系变得越来越稳固。所以要从寝室入手安排活动使小团体向好的方向发展。关键词:非正式组织、问卷调查、认同程度、教育管理AbstractCollege students clique is a common type of informal organizations on campus, it on college students all-round development, in order to make small broader positive influence on college students, it is necessary to cause the evolution and analysis, according to the conclusion after opinions are put forward.Here through the questionnaire star distribution network, and then use SPSS software descriptive statistics analysis of the collected data and single factor variance analysis, to get the reasons for the formation of college students group.The reasons for the formation of small groups can be attributed to psychological needs, interests and external objective factors.Not only that, from the perspective of QQ space collection of 2 class space dynamic thumb up and comment on information, can be divided into three times, after using UCINET software to social network analysis of data, number of evolution process is always to get clique, the trend of more development, small groups through a bridge between connected into a larger group, in which the same dormitory students group membership is becoming more and more stable.Therefore, start from the dormitory to arrange the activity to make the small group?.Key Words:Informal organization、questionnaire、identity de


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