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石化企业事故应急管理综合评价指标体系的研究 摘 要 石化行业的迅猛发展在给社会带来巨大物资财富的同时,也给人们带来了巨大潜在危险的威胁。因此,为了有效防范各类事故的发生,或在事故发生时,能够及时地实施应急救援,将事故的人员伤亡和财产损失降到最低,高危的石化企业应该不断地健全和完善本企业的事故应急管理。 本文根据事故应急管理的基本理论,总结了国内外石化企业在事故应急管理评价和应急救援体系建设方面的一些研究成果和经验方法,并将层次分析法和模糊数学的理论知识引入到石化企业事故应急管理评价工作中,建立起完整的石化企业事故应急管理综合评价体系。本文在综合考虑事故应急管理的预防、预备、响应和恢复四个阶段基本内容的基础上,结合石化企业安全生产的特点,建立了科学合理的石化企业事故应急管理综合评价指标体系,采用层次分析法比较客观的确定了各指标的权重系数,并进一步构建起了完整的石化企业事故应急管理模糊综合评价模型。 然后,本文运用建立的石化企业事故应急管理模糊综合评价体系,对某石化企业的事故应急管理状况进行了综合评价,通过对评价结果进行比较分析,为该企业进一步提升企业事故应急管理水平提出了建议。最终结果显示,本文建立的指标体系和模糊综合评价模型可操作性强,能够取得较好的评价效果。 关键词 应急管理; 模糊综合评价; 指标体系 Studay on Comprehensive Evaluation Index System of Emergency Management in Petrochemical Enterprise Abstract The rapid development of the petrochemical industry bring about enormous material wealth to the society,but it also gave rise to a huge potential dangers. Therefore, In order to prevent the occurrence of various kinds of accidents effectively ,or to carry out emergency rescue timely for reducing casualties and property losses at the time of the accident. It is very important to improve and perfect the emergency management continuously for high-risk petrochemical enterprises. In this study, according to the basic theories of emergency management,summing up many the research results and experience in emergency management evaluation and emergency rescue system of domestic and foreign petrochemical enterprises , and the AHP and fuzzy mathematics are applied to evaluation of emergency management in petrochemical enterprise firstly, The Emergency Management Comprehensive Assessment System (EMCAS) of petrochemical enterprise is established. First ,On the basis of considering the basic elements of emergency management,s four phases(Prevention, preparedness, response and recovery),and combined security features of petrochemical enterprise.A scientific and rational comprehensive evaluation index system of emergency management in petrochemical enterprises is established, and the weight of each indexes are dete


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