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摘 要接地变压器是我国10千伏配电网中不可或缺的电力设备,它采取电阻接地或消弧线圈,每一年数千台接地变压器都会被在全国投放运作。由于接地变故障存在会发生失压,当前没有特殊的接地变压器保护理论和设备,论文对接地变压器进行了故障仿真分析和保护设计。 论文基于变压器的特殊连接方式,阐述了其特殊的结构原理;再分别对接地变压器常见的外部、内部故障进行了研究;在仿真软件中变压器故障仿真模型是被MATLAB平台的三个单相五绕组变压器模块搭建出的,接地变压器各类内部故障和外部引出线故障都能被仿真出来。还对接地变压器保护装置的缺陷,提出并提出设计差动保护方案来改进。仿真结果和理论分析结果差不多一样,验证了论文中所提出的模型是正确,合理的。 仿真方式和保护方案对接地变压器的安全稳定运行非常有利, 变电站站用电和整个配电网的可靠性也会得到大大的提高,具有广阔的应用前景。关键词:接地变压器;故障仿真;差动保护ABSTRACTGrounding transformer of 10kV distribution network is an integral part of the electrical equipment, take it or arc suppression coil grounding resistors, each year thousands of grounding transformer will be put in operation in the country. Due to the presence of a ground fault variable loss of pressure occurs, the current no special grounding transformer protection theory and equipment at home and abroad, the paper grounding transformer fault simulation and design protection.Paper based on a special connection of the transformer, described its special structure principle; and then were grounding transformer common external, internal fault and magnetizing inrush current operating characteristics conducted in-depth research; in simulation software transformer fault simulation model is platform MATLAB the three single-phase five-winding transformer module to build out, all kinds of grounding transformer internal fault and external fault can be simulated lead out. Also defected ground transformer protection proposed and propose solutions to improve the design of the differential protection. The simulation results are consistent with the theoretical analysis, the paper proves the proposed model is correct and reasonable.Ensure the safe and stable operation of the grounding transformer is grounded transformer emulation mode and protection programs thesis proposed research grounding transformer protective device has been progress, and reliability of the entire power substation distribution network will be greatly improved, It has broad application prospects.Key words:g


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