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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 人脸识别技术综述 学 院 计算机学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术 学生姓名 陶 健 学 号 0643041077 年级 2006 指导教师 周 欣 教务处制表 二Ο 年 月 日 人脸识别技术综述 计算机科学与技术 学生 陶健 老师 周欣 [摘要] 随着社会信息化,网络化得不断发展,个人身份趋于数字化,隐性化,如何准确的鉴定,确保信息安全得到越来越多的重视。人脸识别,一种应用比较广泛的生物识别方法,在基于人脸固有的生物特征信息,利用模式识别和图行图像处理技术来对个人身份进行鉴定,在国家安全,计算机交互,家庭娱乐等其他很多领域发挥着举足轻重的作用,能提高办事效率,防止社会犯罪等,有着重大的经济和社会意义。 本文主要研究了人脸识别在图像检测识别方面的一些常用的方法。由于图像处理的好坏直接影响着定位和识别的准确率,因此本文对图像的一些识别算法做了着重的介绍,例如基于二维Gabor小波矩阵表征人脸的识别算法,基于模型匹配人脸识别算法等。此外,本文还提及了一般人脸识别系统的设计,并着重介绍了图像预处理环节的光线补偿,图像灰度化等技术,使图像预处理模块在图像处理过程中能取到良好的作用,提高图像识别和定位的准确率。 [主题词]:人脸识别; 特征提取; 图像预处理; 光线补偿 Face Recognition Overview Computer Science Student: TAO Jian Adviser: ZHOU Xin [Abstract] With the information society, network was growing, personal identity tends to digital, hidden, how to accurately identify, to ensure that information security is more and more attention. Face recognition, an application of biometric identification methods more widely, based on biometric facial information inherent in the use of pattern recognition and image processing techniques to map line of personal identity ,play a great role in the national security, computer interaction, family entertainment and many other areas. Face recognition can improve efficiency, prevent social crime, of course it has significant economic and social significance. ??? This paper studies aspects of face recognition in image detection and some common methods of identification. As the image processing directly impact on the accuracy of location and identification, so some of image recognition algorithm will be focused presentation, such as Gabor wavelet-based two-dimensional matrix representation of face recognition algorithms, model-based matching face recognition algorithm. In addition, the article also mentioned a general recognition system design, and highlights the image preprocessing part of the light compensation, gray image techniques, the i


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