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目 录 中文摘要 2 英文摘要 3 1 确定结构方案 4 1.1 初步设计资料 4 1.2 结构选型 4 2框架结构构件(柱,梁,板)的静力计算 5 2.1结构布置及梁,柱截面尺寸的初选 5 2.2 荷载计算 6 2.3 楼板计算和配筋 10 2.4 框架梁,柱内力计算 11 2.5 风荷载计算 25 3 框架结构的抗震计算 29 3.1重力荷载代表值计算 29 3.2地震作用计算 31 4梁,柱的内力组合 39 5 截面配筋计算 42 5.1 梁,柱截面配筋计算 42 5.2 楼梯计算和配筋 48 6 基础计算和配筋 52 7 结论 62 参考文献 63 致谢 64 附录:电算部分 65 摘 要 20世纪90年代以后,随着我国钢材量的不断提高,钢混凝土结构在建筑行业得到了迅速发展随着建筑造型和建筑功能要求日趋多样化,无论是工业建筑还是民用建筑,在结构设计中遇到的各种难题也日益增多因而作为一个结构设计者需要在遵循各种规范下大胆灵活的解决一些结构方案上的难点 此次论文设计的课题是德沃商贸大楼设计,采用现浇框架结构,即梁、柱、楼盖均为钢筋混凝土现浇的,故整体性强、抗震性能好。通过对商业楼方案的建筑、结构二个阶段的设计,初步提出建筑方案并进行相应的结构设计,在进行荷载计算时同时考虑了地震作用和风荷载作用,使结构更加牢固。 论文结合工程实际情况和对比计算结果,着重介绍该建筑的梁、板、柱设计思路和电算后的结果分析,结构设计中经常会遇到一些规范或规程未论及的问题,这就需要设计人员积累经验,利用正确的概念进行设计。 ABSTRACT Since the 1990s, with the unceasing enhancement of Chinas steel quantity, reinforced concrete structure, especially frame structure have developed rapidly in the construction industry. With the architectural modeling and architectural function requirement increasingly diversified, in the structural design of various problems encountered are increasing both in industrial buildings or civil building. Therefore, as a designer needs in all kinds of structures under the solutions to some bold flexible structure scheme difficulties. The topic of this paper designs is the DeWo trade building design, Using cast-in-situ frame structure, that beams and columns, floor for cast-in-situ reinforced concrete, Therefore, it is strong in integrity and seismic performance. Based on the architectural structure, building plan a two stage design, construction scheme and put forward the corresponding structure design, and when the load calculation on the earthquake and considering the effect, make the structure of load. The thesis combines practical calculation results and comparison of the building, introduces emphatically the beams and slabs, design thinking and computing result analysis, the structure design, we often encounter some standard or procedures, which deals with did not need to design staff accumulate expe


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