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摘 要 温度是日常生活中无时不在的物理量,温度的控制在各个领域都有积极的意义。很多行业中都有大量的用电加热设备,采用单片机对它们进行控制不仅具有控制方便、简单、灵活性大等特点,而且还可以大幅度提高被控温度的技术指标,从而能够大大提高产品的质量。因此,智能化温度控制技术正被广泛地采用。 本次系统设计的是婴儿受凉报警装置,由DS18B20单总线温度传感器和AT89S52微控制器组成。设计采用的DS18B20数字温度传感器可自行设置温度上下限。DS18B20采集到温度数据后,单片机控制数码管显示当前温度值,而且单片机将根据检测到的温度信号与预先设定的温度上、下限进行比较,由此作出判断是否启动报警器报警。本设计还加入了常用的数码管显示和独立键盘调整温度,使得整个设计更加完整,更加灵活。软件部分采用C语言编程,编写了各部分子程序的流程图和程序。 论文首先介绍了测温技术的发展,然后根据方案之间的比较,确定了系统的整体设计方案,明确了各部分的硬件电路设计,完成了软件部分设计,经过系统集成与调试后,验证系统方案可行,并在论文结尾处做了总结和展望。 关键词:AT89S52; DS18B20; 报警器; 数码管 Abstract The temperature is the physical quantities of the ever-present in daily life, the temperature control in all fields have a positive meaning. A lot of businesses have a large number of electric heating equipment, using SCM to control them is not only control the convenient, simple, flexible features, but also can significantly improve the temperature was charged with technical indicators, which can greatly enhance the product quality. Therefore, intelligent temperature control technology is being widely adopted. The system design is the baby cold alarm device DS18B20 single bus temperature sensor and the AT89S52 microcontroller. DS18B20 digital temperature sensors can be designed using self-set temperature limit. DS18B20 temperature data collected, the MCU digital tube displays the current temperature, and single-chip will be based on the detected temperature signal and the pre-set temperature, the lower limit, and thus made ??to determine whether to activate the alarm alarm. The design also includes a common digital display and separate keyboard to adjust the temperature, making the whole design is more complete and more flexible. The software part of the C programming language, the preparation of the ministries molecular program flowcharts and procedures. The paper first describes the temperature measurement technology development, based on the comparison between the program to determine the overall system design, clear various parts of the hardware circuit des


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