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MyEclipse6.5上基于JAX-WS开发Webservice(中文示例)及web service explorer不能显示的问题 先原创的一部分: 如果打开web service explorer时点击左边的按钮不显示结果,那是因为IE的问题,可以选择window-web browser-firefox来解决。 同时新建webservice时最好是用上面的快捷键,而不是从other中选,两种界面分别如下: 从快捷键中选 从other中选 引用 /foart/archive/2009/06/21/4287515.aspx 1. Introduction This document will outline the process of developing a JAX-WS web service and deploying it using MyEclipse 6.5 to the internal MyEclipse Tomcat server. The web service used in this tutorial will be a very simple calculator service that provides add, subtract, multiply and divide operations to the caller. MyEclipse also supports developing web services using the existing XFire framework from previous MyEclipse releases. For folks needing to develop and deploy WebSphere JAX-RPC or WebSphere JAX-WS web services, please take a look at our MyEclipse Blue Edition of the MyEclipse IDE. Additional resources covering web service creation using JAX-RPC, JAX-WS or XFire are included in the Resources section of this document. 2. System Requirements This tutorial was created with MyEclipse 6.5. If you are using another version of MyEclipse (possibly newer), most of these screens and instructions should still be very similar. If you are using a newer version of MyEclipse and notice portions of this tutorial looking different than the screens you are seeing, please let us know and we will make sure to resolve any inconsistencies. 3.新建一个工程 开始我们新建一个Web Service Project工程File-New-Web Service Project(Optional Maven Support) Note:A JAX-WS web service can also be generated in any existing Java EE 5 web project. 我们给这个工程取名为WebServiceProject.注意JAX-WS支持只在javaEE5或更高版本的工程中是可行的。如果你需要使用低版本的工程类型(java1.4或者1.3),那么只能使用XFire Web Service代替JAX-WS。 这里我们使用上面的JAX—WS。 4.创建服务类 服务类就是一个普通的java类,负责提供我们想要发布的执行方法。这里我们写一个简单的计算器类,实现几个典型的计算器应用方法,如加减乘除。 首先我们先建一个包,WebServiceProject-src-new-package,取名 让后我们在这个包下建一个类, 根据上面提到的,这个计算器类实现计算器的加减乘除算法,简单实现: Java代码 package;public class Calculat


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