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题 目 护岸框架 关 键 词 结构强度 等腰直角四面体 三棱柱 消能减速 摘 要: 在江河中,堤岸、江心洲的迎水区域被水流长期冲刷侵蚀。在河道整治工程中,需要在受侵蚀严重的部位设置一些人工设施,以减弱水流的冲刷,促进该处泥沙的淤积,以保护河岸形态的稳定。四面六边透水框架是一种新型的防洪固岸技术,。这是一种由钢筋混凝土框杆相互焊接而成的正四面体结构,常见的尺寸为边长约 1 m ,框杆截面约0.1×0.1 m 。将一定数量的框架投入水中,在水中形成框架群,可以使水流消能减速,达到减弱冲击,防冲促淤的效果。对四面六边透水框架群,框架尺寸、架空率和长度都直接或间接地影响着其消能减速的效果。然而四面六边透水框架在抛投时和在使用过程中,可能被水流冲击而翻滚移位,使框架群不能达到理想的堆砌效果,对其减弱冲击,防冲促淤的功能有不利影响。因而需要设计新的空间形状,使其既能在水中互相钩连具有一定的结构强度,又有堆砌而成的形状能达到理想的堆砌效果。 ? 参赛队号: #2094 所选题目: A 题 英文摘要(选填) (此摘要非论文必须部分,选填可加分,加分不超过论文总分的5%) Pick to: In rivers, the bank, the central bar YingShui regional long-term erosion by water erosion. In river regulation engineering, needs in the area of serious erosion set some artificial facilities, weakened by water erosion, promote the deposition of the sediment at that point, in order to protect the Banks of the river morphology of stability. All six side frame is a new kind of river flood control technology,. Which is composed of reinforced concrete frame rod welded together each other regular tetrahedron structure, common size is about 1 m length, frame rod section is about 0.1 * 0.1 m. Will be put into the water, a certain number of frame in water to form the framework group, can make the water flow energy dissipation, to abate impact, impingement to promote silting effect. For all six edge frame group, frame size, the overhead rate and the length is directly or indirectly affect the effect of energy dissipation to slow down. However all around six edge out frame and in use process, can impact and roll displacement by water, make the framework cannot achieve the ideal effect of pile group, the less impact, impingement to promote silting function have an adverse effect. So need to design new spatial shape, make it can be hooked to each other in water has certain structural strength, and can achieve ideal have piled into the shape of the stack effect. 一 问题重述 将一定数量的框架投入水中,在水中形成框架群,可以使水流消能减速,达到减弱冲击,防冲促淤


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