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PAGE PAGE 10 數學關鍵學習之電腦設計研究 Computer Activities Design for Learning Mathematics Key Concepts 報告人:謝哲仁 執行機關: 美和技術學院 中文摘要 本研究針對研究所數學教學在職專班的教師教授「數學的電腦輔助學習」課程,以二至三人為一組的學員教師約十組,藉由文獻探討及過去教學經驗的反思,形成關鍵的學習問題,再根據問題,進行教材地位分析。經審核通過後,學員教師利用幾何軟體GSP或電子試算表Excel的特性,進行動態互動式的數學關鍵學習之電腦及教學活動設計。研究者在下半年則教授「電腦教學的研究方法」課程,除理論介紹各種相關的量、質性研究方法外,並將上半年取得的動態之數學關鍵學習的電腦及教學活動設計,商請相關的專家,進行審核,待其審核意見收回後,再交回原設計者手中進行修正。學員教師所得之定稿含電腦設計、教學活動設計,或被要求,利用課餘時間進行個案的教學補救研究;或進行團體之主題式實驗教學並做成效之分析。本研究共得十一篇成果其中有三篇件已在期刊發表,其餘八件都已或將在國際性會議發表。 關鍵字:電腦輔助學習、數學教育 Abstract The research offered a course at first, called “computer assisted learning for Mathematics” for students who have jobs and are registered in a research institute. The students will be divided as ten groups where student- teacher will be paired up as a group. These groups will discuss about related references and introspect past teaching experiences to form key learning issues. According these issues, the groups analyze their materials. The teachers used the characteristics of Geometer’s Sketchpad (GSP) and spreadsheet Excel to proceed with computer related teaching activity designs for dynamic Mathematical key learning. In the second half of the year, researchers will offer a course called “Research method for computer assisted teaching”. Besides from introducing various quantitative and qualitative research methodology theories, the researchers will take the design obtained from the first half of the year and consult with specialists. Specialists will then examine the design and provide some feedbacks. Once the designer has received the feedbacks, he/she will revise his/her design accordingly. The notes that the teachers will receive include computer design and teaching activity design. Also, they were asked to pair up with students and start teaching experiment research in their spare time and then analyze the effectiveness of it. We have 11 reports, in summary, three of them already published in Journal article the rest of them already or will be


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