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2012考研英语词汇 A absence缺席、缺乏 Absence of light.a long absence leave of absence; absent缺席的Absent friends An absent nod. abstract抽象的,提取 abstract labour;abstract truth absurd 荒谬的, 荒诞的事物 absurd theatre; highly absurd accessory附件, 配件;同谋, 帮凶 dress accessory;an accessory penalty。 He is accessory to the crime . accompany陪伴, 陪同,伴奏 Ill accompany you home. Accountant会计师chief accountant Certified Public Accountant accustomed惯常的 To make accustomed to. Acre英亩Developing a30-acre tract Acrobat杂技演员 a political acrobat adhere坚持, 支持;黏附, 附着 adhere to adjoin靠近The two houses adjoin. admiration赞美、钦佩deserve admiration; compel admiration advent出现、到来 the advent of spring adverse 不利的、有害的、相反的 Adverse balance; adverse circumstances advise 忠告、通知 sincerely advise;advise repeatedly aerial 天线、空气的。 aerial transportation;aerial bomb affiliate 参加、使隶属于;分公司 Become an affiliate: affirmative肯定的 alliance结盟, 联盟 ally同盟国, 同盟者;结盟 A firm ally.natural ally alongside在旁边、并肩 Draw alongside; The boat came alongside. alternative二者择一的、替代的 system alternative; alternative obligation altogether全部地;总共;总而言之 altogether irrelevant amiable好脾气的, 和蔼的 An amiable gathering ampere电安培This piece of equipment needs a thirty-ampere fuse. ample足够的;大量的 An ample reward.We have ample time. amplifier扩音器, 放大器 differential amplifier anchor锚;vt.抛锚;(使)固定 weigh anchor anecdote掌故, 趣闻, 轶事 personal anecdote anguish(尤指心理上的)极度的痛苦 in anguish annoy打扰, 干扰;使烦恼, 使恼怒 No joy without annoy. These flies are annoying me. anonymous无名的,;匿名的 an anonymous gift antique古董, 古物;古代的 rare antique apparatus仪器;机构,;器官 scientific apparatus appeal呼吁, 恳求;上诉 public appeal appraisal估计, 估量, 评价 graduation appraisal apprehension忧虑,担心 approximate(ly)近似, 接近 arbiter仲裁人;裁决者 An arbiter of fashion. He acted as arbiter. arithmetic算术;计算 arithmetic exercises arrogant傲慢的, 自大的 use arrogant language articulate表达能力强的;口齿清楚 An articulate essay. An articulate speaker. artificial人造的, 人工


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