佳译 汉译英常见拙译 翻译.doc

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佳译 汉译英常见拙译 翻译

所谓contraction即a word, as won’t from will not, or phrase, as o’clock from of the clock, formed by omitting or combining some of the sounds of a longer phrase。Contraction貌似小事, 在英译中却频繁出现!似乎这是一种既方便又简约的表达方式。然而,从美国教授的评改中,我们忽然醒悟:在正式文体中,不要使用缩写 式! 1.在我的集邮册中,有一张邮票占据了最显著的位置。 原译:I’ve a stamp in the most conspicuous place of my album. 改译:I have a stamp in the most conspicuous place of my album. 小析:No contractions in formal essays. 2.我对担任教师工作充满了期待。 原译:I’m filled with the anticipation of standing on the teaching role. 改译:I am filled with the anticipation of standing in the teaching role. 3.别人觉得这是在浪费时间,我觉得这可是个好办法。 原译:…others think it’s a waste of time. But I think it’s a good system. 改译:…others think it is a waste of time. But I think it is a good system. 小析:This is supposed to be a formal essay. Do not use any contractions. 三、搭配(collocation) “搭配”,是一个非常重要的语言概念。英语尤其讲究“搭配”。搭配意识,实际上体现了学生掌握词汇的深度。很多时候,学生只是粗浅地 孤立地记住了单词的中文释义,英译时生搬硬套对应的中文的搭配方式,而不知应当“整块记忆”,甚至以句型,或固定表达的形式记忆“ 孤立”的单词。 汉语也讲究“搭配”,遗憾的是,目前传统的表达正在受到冲击。如: 电视剧《男人没有烦恼》的主题歌:“走出那沉甸的从前…”。按照“沉甸”的减缩法,“黑压压”就是“黑压”、“兴冲冲”就可以减缩成“兴冲” 了。电视剧《我想有个家》主题歌《牵手梦缘》,歌名和歌中“你我牵手梦能缘”的“缘”字,都是“圆”的错别字,而歌中反复吟唱的一句“好 人都祝好人的你,愿天下人一路平安”,前句宾语残缺,如果与后句构成复句,主语又混乱不明。 1.学生们很悠闲地坐在绿茵茵的草坪上,用吉他在弹奏浪漫的歌曲,有的漫步在树木夹道的通道上,尽情谈笑。 原译??The students are sitting leisurely on the green lawn, playing guitars with romantic songs or walking in the tree-lined passages, talking and laughing heartily. 改译:The students are sitting leisurely on the green lawn, playing romantic songs on the guitar, or walking along the tree-lined pathways, talking and laughing heartily. 小析:“在乐器上弹奏…乐曲”的习惯表达是play…on the (guitar), 此外,walking in the tree-lined passages 也不符合习惯表达。 2.你不相信吗?那你就试试吧。(kylepluto按:原文没有“那”字,不过我觉得不顺口,就加上了。还有就是,原文的例子是一路排序下 来,从1到41,我觉得看着不舒服,打字的时候就按照标题给例子重新编了号。) 原译:Don’t you believe? Just try! 改译:Don’t you believe me? Just try it! 小析:We only use believe intransitively when we talking about beliefs accepted across the culture and by most people. If we talk about God, the rule of


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