启德教育sat阅读题型态度评价题 安心老师.pptx

启德教育sat阅读题型态度评价题 安心老师.pptx

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启德教育sat阅读题型态度评价题 安心老师

态度语气评价题考查内容考查内容考查作者的态度语气,和对某某做出的评价。考查学生对感情色彩词、作者表达方式的感受能力。态度语气评价题出题方式态度语气评价题出题方式认识态度*语气态度贬褒中大负小正大正小负IndifferentAmbivalentUnshakably confidentialResentful underhanded综合态度表达方式第一类.…BUT/AND…如:Critical but admiringCorrect but limitedCorrect and uncompletedAnalytical and appreciative第二类:由修饰词所限定的评价词: 如:Partially correctQualified approvalGuarded crticismTentative acceptanceReluctant criticismCondescendingly tolerant Somewhat encouragedEnthusiasm tempered by minor reservationDisdainfulSatiricalIronicDelight错误选项:无态度极端态度正确选项:综合态度态度语气评价题原则之一 无态度和极端态度都排除态度与观点如果一篇文章旨在呼吁中国教育体制改革,请问作者对中国教育的现状是一种什么态度?再问作者描述中国教育现状,用什么样的语气?态度语气评价题原则之二 与观点保持一致态度语气评价题解题技巧态度语气评价题技巧一:感情色彩词【OG TEST7-S2-P763】 The science fiction masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey will probably be remembered best for the finely honed portrait of HAL, the Heuristically pro- grammed ALgorithmic computer that could not only 5 reason but also experience human feelings and anxiety.8. The authors attitude toward the “portrait” (line 3) is best characterized as one of (A) resentment (B) appreciation (C) confusion (D) awe (E) derision 【OG TEST7-S2-P763】 The science fiction masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey will probably be remembered best for the finely honed portrait of HAL, the Heuristically pro- grammed Algorithmic computer that could not only 5 reason but also experience human feelings and anxiety.8. The authors attitude toward the “portrait” (line 3) is best characterized as one of (A) resentment (B) appreciation (C) confusion (D) awe (E) derision【OG TEST10-S4】 Malformations have since been reported in more than 60 species of amphibians in 46 states. Surprising numbers of deformed amphibians have also been 1o found in Asia, Europe, and Australia. Investigators have blamed the deformities on amphibians increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the chemical contam- ination of water, even a parasite epidemic. Every time another report appears, the media tout the new position, 15 thus providing a mislea


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