人教新课标版高二选修7 unit1 living well warming up amp reading ppt课件.pptx

人教新课标版高二选修7 unit1 living well warming up amp reading ppt课件.pptx

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人教新课标版高二选修7 unit1 living well warming up amp reading ppt课件

Do you know them? disabled people : people with disability Marty is ___________ person. A.a healthy B.an ill C.a disabled D.a rich 2. Marty has __________ disease. A.a mental B.a muscle C.an eye D.a leg C B Skimming(Fast reading): 3. What’s Marty’s dream? A. Being a famous football player and representing his country in the World Cup. B. Being a doctor. C. Being a college student. D. Being a basketball player. 4. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The doctor could give Marty’ disease a name. B. The doctor knew how to make Marty well. C. Someone in the world could cure the disease. D. No one could give Marty’s disease a name. A D Muscle disease: 肌肉疾病症状包括肌肉萎缩和肥大、肌无力和活动后无力加重、肌肉自发疼痛和压痛、肌痉挛和痛性痉挛、肌强直和肌张力低下等。 Sum up the main idea of each paragraph. Intensive reading Paragraph 1: This is an ____________ to Marty and his muscle disease. Paragraph 2: How the disease___________ introduction developed Paragraph 3: The __________I have in daily life. difficulties Paragraph 4:How his life has become______. easier Paragraph 5: ___________ of his disease and his ______. The advantages advice difficulties __ _____ ______ that makes him very weak _______ and can’t ____ or _____stairs as quickly as other people to work in ___________ a muscle disease disease ambition achievement clumsy run climb computer firm invented a ________ _____ computer game motto to live one day __ __ Don’t ___ _____ ___ the disabled or _____ __ __ them but ______them and give them _______________ to live as rich and full a life as you do. hobby advice going to the _______and _______ ________ and keeping ____ movies football matches pets at a time feel sorry for make fun of accept encouragement My name is ____________. I have a _________ disease, so I can’t ______or ______ stairs as quickly as other people. Sometimes I am _____ and drop things or bump into_______. The


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