人教新课标必修三 unit 4 astronomy warming up amp reading课件.pptx

人教新课标必修三 unit 4 astronomy warming up amp reading课件.pptx

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人教新课标必修三 unit 4 astronomy warming up amp reading课件

What’s the meaning of the word “Astronomy”? I. Warming up the science of stars; the scientific study of stars and planets. 2. What words will you think of when we talk about this topic? star, planet, the sun / moon / earth, solar system 恒星 行星 太阳 月球 地球 太阳系 3. How many planets are in the solar system? Scientists now think Pluto is too small to be called a planet. 4. Do you know the correct order of their distance to the sun? nearest to the sun? farthest to the sun? 5. The names of eight planets. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune 1) 水星 2) 金星 3) 地球 4) 火星 5) 木星 6) 土星 7) 天王星 8) 海王星 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Uranus Saturn Neptune 6. Put them in correct order on P25. Do you know their origin? II. Pre-reading Have you ever asked your mother, “Mom, where do I come from”? 2. Nearly everybody has this or that puzzles: How do human beings come into being? How does the earth come into being? 3. In China, there are two legends about these puzzles. Do you know the names? 盘古开天辟地 女娲补天造人 4. In the western culture, who creates everything in the world? III. Fast-reading Do you believe in such stories? Are they based on science? 2. In this unit, we’ll learn something more scientific. 3. What’s the title of the text? 4. From the title, we can predict that the text may tell us the origin of life on the earth. 5. Which question are you interested in in this text? 1) How old is the earth? 2) How does the universe begin? 3) Is there any water in the Mars? 4) When did dinosaurs disappear? 5) Which animal is the most important one on the earth? 6. Do you know which paragraph you can find out the answer? 7. Conclude the main idea of each paragraph. 1) A widely ______ about the _____ of the universe. 2) The formation of the ______. 3) The __________ of water for life. 4) The development of ______ and _______ on the earth. 5) The arrival of _______ and their _____ on the earth. The


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