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Useful expressions:1.A merry Christmas from all of your students. 您所有的学生祝您圣诞快乐。2.May the blessings of Christmas be with you today and always. 愿圣诞的祝福陪伴你从今天直到永远。3.Much joy to you in the upcoming year. 愿你在新的一年里充满快乐。4.Season’s greetings and best wishes for the coming year. 致以新年的节日问候和祝愿。 5.I send this card with love to you,Grandma,who’s always so gracious. 我爱你,外婆,您总是那么慈祥。6.You have been a great teacher and an even better friend.您是一个好老师,更是一个好朋友。7.Many happy returns of the day! 祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。8.I offer my good wishes to Miss Smith on her birthday. 时逢史密斯小姐华诞佳辰,谨致美好祝愿。9.Your years of hard work has paid off. Congratulations! 多年辛劳,终获报偿,恭喜!10.This gift is a token of our appreciation for your efforts. 这份礼物代表了我们对你所作努力的感激之情。 Invitation Cards(请柬) Format (the sender) Requests the pleasure of the company of (the receiver) At (activity) at (time) on (date) at/in (place) R.S.V.P.Tel: ……1. Dr. and Mrs.Wang request the pleasure / honour of your company at a dance on Friday 5,September 2001 at 7:30 p.m.at X X Hotel. 王博士及夫人定于2001年9月5日,星期五晚上7:30在XX宾馆举行舞会,恭请光临。2.Please reply to 150 Xin Gang Road. 请回复以下地址:新港路150号。3.Dress:lounge suit day dress.请着礼服出席。 4. R.S.V.P.请回复。5.Please reply.请回复。6.Regrets only.如不能出席,请通知。7.It would give me great pleasure if you would come to.... 您若光临……,我将不胜欣喜。 Mr. Zhou PingRequest the pleasure of the company of Mr. Mrs. Yang Hua At dinner at seven p.m on Thursday, 18th February At the Willows, 108 Yangze Avenue Letters of Invitation(邀请信) Format July 15, 2008 Dear Mr…., We are having (a party) at (time) on (date) in/at(place). We would like to invite you to…. We look forward to your coming/early reply. Yours truly, Lee Ying Useful Expressions:1.request the pleasure of the company of...敬请……光临 2.request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter X X to X X. 恭请你出席他们的女儿XX与XX的婚礼。3. Would you care to join our little party? 你愿意光临我们的小宴会吗?4.We’re having a get-together on our lawn next Sunday. 下周日在我们家草坪有个聚会。5.Will you have lunch with us this coming Satur


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