Cosmic Rays in the Eath vicinity在地球附近的宇宙射线.ppt

Cosmic Rays in the Eath vicinity在地球附近的宇宙射线.ppt

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Cosmic Rays in the Eath vicinity在地球附近的宇宙射线

Cosmic Rays in the Earth vicinity Roberta Sparvoli University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFN Prologue Observing cosmic rays from the Earth’s surface is like making astronomical observations from the bottom of an ocean. Cosmic rays arriving to Earth have survived collisions with gas atom in interstellar or interplanetary space, and may have collided in atmosphere (not treated here!). The Earth Magnetic Field Originated by electric currents running inside the Earth core. To a first approximation it is a dipolar field: Coordinates: 79°N, 70°W and 79°S, 110°E, reversed with respect to geographic Poles, about 11° inclined with Earth axis and shifted by 320 km. Magnetic Field Equations The module of the field B along the line has its minimum for l=0. If l=0, r= r0 and this is the radial distance to the field line over the equator. Adopting R=r/RE, in Earth-radii, the field line equation becomes: R = R0 cos2l Dipole representation accurate to ~30% at distances ? 2-3 RE. A better empirical representation is based on a multipole expansion (international geomagnetic reference field IGRF model), with slowly time-dependent coefficients. To describe the field, also in non-dipole approximation, usually the McIlwain coordinates (B,L) are used. A point P in the space is defined by: L distance (in RE) of the field line passing for P, measured on the equatorial plane. A measure of “equatorial radius”. L analogous to R0 (dipole field); Influence on cosmic ray fluxes Latitude effect: the CR flux depends on the latitude, is higher at the poles than at the equator. Conclusion: CR are mainly charged! They arrive from all directions and are deflected by the magnetic field. Each latitude has a cut-off rigidity (p/z) below which no vertically arriving particles can penetrate. Particle trajectories Let us consider a particle with Z and p detected at a point x. We can trace back the particle path to its origin (en electric charge moving in a static non-homogeneus magnetic field).


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