Greenland Flow Distortion University of Est Anglia UEA格陵兰岛的东安格利亚大学,UEA流场畸变.doc

Greenland Flow Distortion University of Est Anglia UEA格陵兰岛的东安格利亚大学,UEA流场畸变.doc

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Greenland Flow Distortion University of Est Anglia UEA格陵兰岛的东安格利亚大学,UEA流场畸变

Greenland Flow Distortion experiment (GFDex) Operations Manual Ian Renfrew School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia 2nd November 2006 Funding agencies: Contents Introduction Logistics GFDex Science Personnel GFDex details GFDex schedule GFDex resources GFDex campaign plan Detachment information Almanac FAAM information Capabilities Instrumentation Derived Variables Flight restriction Mission timelines Activity Roster Weather forecasting support Model products Satellite products Flight Plans Tip jets Reverse tip jets Barrier winds south Barrier winds north Mesoscale cyclones Iceland topographic flow shadows Targeted observations Data Management FAAM data FAAM data access and data policy Real-time data archive References 1. Introduction Summary from NERC grant proposal Greenland has a major influence on the atmospheric circulation of the North Atlantic-Western Europe region; dictating the location and strength of mesoscale weather systems around the coastal seas of Greenland and directly influencing synoptic-scale weather systems both locally and downstream over Europe. High winds associated with the local weather systems can induce large air-sea fluxes of heat, moisture and momentum in a region that is critical to the overturning of the thermohaline circulation and so play a key role in controlling the coupled atmosphere-ocean climate system. This project will investigate the role of Greenland in defining the structure and the predictability of both local and downstream weather systems, through a programme of aircraft-based observation and numerical modelling. The Greenland Flow Distortion Experiment (GFDex) will provide some of the first detailed in situ observations of the intense atmospheric forcing events that are thought to be important in modifying the ocean in this area (but are presently poorly understood): namely tip jets, barrier winds and mesoscale cyclones. It will also investigate Greenland’s role in atmospheric flow predictabili



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