Lectue 7 Carrier Drift and Diffusion (cont讲座7——载流子的漂移和扩散(续.docVIP

Lectue 7 Carrier Drift and Diffusion (cont讲座7——载流子的漂移和扩散(续.doc

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Lectue 7 Carrier Drift and Diffusion (cont讲座7——载流子的漂移和扩散(续

Lecture 7 - Carrier Drift and Diffusion (cont.) September 19, 2001 Contents: 1. Drift 2. Diffusion 3. Transit time Reading assignment: del Alamo, Ch. 4, §4.2-4.4 Key questions ? How do carriers move in an electric field? What are the key dependencies of the drift velocity? ? How do the energy band diagrams represent the presence of an electric field? ? How does a concentration gradient affect carriers? ? How much time does it take for a carrier, on average, to travel from one region of a semiconductor to another by drift or diffusion? Drift Carrier movement in presence of electric field: Drift velocity -electric field: ε -electrostatic force on electron: ?qε -acceleration between collisions: -velocity acquired during time τce: or μe ≡ electron mobility [cm2/V · s] Mobility indicates ease of carrier motion in response to ε. Mobility depends on doping level and whether carrier is majority or minority-type. Si at 300 K: ? at low N: limited by phonon scattering ? at high N: limited by ionized impurity scattering Velocity saturation Implicit assumption: quasi-equilibrium, that is, scattering rates not much affected from equilibrium. υdrift ~ ε only if υdrift ≤υth For high ε: carriers acquire substantial energy from ε → optical phonon emission strongly enhanced → scattering rate ~ 1/ε → drift velocity saturates For Si at 300 K, υsat 107 cm/s Drift velocity vs. electric field fairly well described by: Field required to saturate velocity: Velocity saturation crucial in modern devices: ifμ= 500 cm2/V.s, εsat = 2×104 V/cm (2 V across 1μm) Since μ depends on doping, εsat depends on doping too. Particle flux and current density particle flux≡# particles crossing unity surface (normal to flow) per unit time [cm?2 · s?1] current density≡electrical charge crossing unity surface (normal to flow) per unit time [cm?2 · s?1] Je = ?qFe Then Je = ?qnυε Jh = qpυh ? Drift current (low fields): Je = qμe nε Jh = qμhpε total: J = q(μen + μhp) ε Electrical conducti



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