RFO NUMBER California Departmet of TechnologyRFO数加利福尼亚技术部.doc

RFO NUMBER California Departmet of TechnologyRFO数加利福尼亚技术部.doc

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RFO NUMBER California Departmet of TechnologyRFO数加利福尼亚技术部

RFO NUMBER Information Security Risk Assessment DEPARTMENT BRANCH/DIVISION/UNIT ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP You are invited to review and respond to this Request for Offer (RFO), DEPARTMENT RFO NUMBER, for information security risk assessment services. In submitting your offer, you must comply with the instructions found herein. The services required are delineated in the Statement of Work. Please read the enclosed document carefully. This is not a Competitive Bid; instead it is a California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) procurement. Mail or deliver the offer to the Procurement Official listed below. If mailed, it is suggested that you use certified or registered mail with return receipt requested. The offer must be received in the number of copies stated, not later than the date and time specified in the Table I-1 - Key Action Dates. One (1) copy must be clearly labeled MASTER COPY. All copies of the offer must be under sealed cover plainly marked Information Security Risk Assessment — RFO NUMBER. Offers not received by the date and time specified in Key Action Dates, or not sealed, will be rejected. Offers submitted under improperly marked covers may be rejected. If discrepancies are found between two (2) or more copies of the offer, the offer may be rejected. However, if not so rejected, the Master Copy will provide the basis for resolving such discrepancies. If one (1) copy of the offer is not clearly marked Master Copy, DEPARTMENT may at its sole option select immediately after offer opening, one (1) to be used as the Master Copy. Mail or deliver one (1) master, five (5) copies, and one (1) electronic copy on CD using Microsoft?Word document format at a version not less than MS Office Word 2000 of the RFO response in a sealed envelope, clearly labeled Information Security Risk Assessment — RFO NUMBER. Mail or deliver RFO response to: NAME, TITLE BRANCH/DIVISION/UNIT DEPARTMENT ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 SECTION 1


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