TECHNLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM Krumholz home技术在课堂克鲁姆霍尔茨回家.ppt

TECHNLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM Krumholz home技术在课堂克鲁姆霍尔茨回家.ppt

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TECHNLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM Krumholz home技术在课堂克鲁姆霍尔茨回家

It’s time for change! As expert Linda A. Tsantis points out, educators must rethink their existing educational paradigms—they exist around a view of society that no longer exists Integrating technology and multimedia activities helps to prepare students to “accept, adapt to, and thrive upon change.” Source: /future/Creating_the_Future/crfut_tsantis.html What needs to be done… According to a report in 2002 from the National Academy of Engineering: Learning about technology should begin in Kindergarten and should be infused into all subjects across the board as a tool for instruction in curricula, teaching materials and in student assessment Educators must understand the difference between knowing what “technology” is and what it means to be technologically literate Educators must be taught how to teach technology—how to integrate it into a well balanced program in which all subjects infuse technology Technology can no longer be viewed as a separate subject (IE: computer class, shop class)—now, it is part of every class! Source: /strategies/technology/front_tech.htm The sky is the limit! “If used incorrectly, all technology will do is add some more color to that which is traditional. When used appropriately, technology will foster interactive approaches to learning and promote higher order thinking amongst students (/strategies/technology/front_tech.htm).” So let’s get to work teachers! The sky truly is your limit! Bibliography Wang, L. (2005). The Advantages of Using Technology in second language education: technology integration in foreign language teaching demonstrates the shift from a behavioral to a constructivist learning approach. [Electronic version]. T.H.E. Journal, 32(10), 38-43. Retrieved from ERIC Database. Tsantis, L. A. (year n/a). Technology as the catalyst. Technology in Education. Retrieved 7 December, 2008 from /strategies/technology/front_tech.htm. The National Academy of Engineering. (2002). Americans


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