6应急 Emergency.doc.doc

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6应急 Emergency.doc.doc

客舱灭火 女士们,先生们: 现在客舱尾部(前部,中部)有一处失火,请大家不要惊慌,我们正在组织灭火,请您坐好,系好安全带,不要来回走动,火源附近旅客请听从乘务员指挥,调整您的座位。 谢谢! Fire Extinguishing Ladies and Gentlemen, A minor fire has broken out in the rear (front, middle) of the cabin. We are now putting it out. Passengers sitting near the fire, please change your seat according to the instruction from the cabin crew. Please fasten your seatbelt. Thank you. 灭火后 女士们,先生们: 现在客舱内的火已被扑灭。飞机处于良好状态,我们预计在____点____分到达____机场。对于给您带来的不便我们深表歉意,感谢您的大力协助和配合。 谢谢! Fire Extinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, The fire has been completely put out. The plane is cruising on schedule and the arrival time is____. We are sorry to have disturbed you. Thank you for your cooperation. 客舱有烟雾 女士们,先生们: 由于客舱失火产生烟雾,请大家立即弯下腰,低下头,用手帕、衣物、袖口等捂住口鼻,请系好安全带。 谢谢! Smoke in the Cabin Ladies and Gentlemen, There is some smoke caused by a minor fire in the rear (front, middle) of the cabin. Please bend over, cover your mouth and nose with handkerchief or clothes and keep your seatbelt fastened. Thank you. 客舱失压 女士们,先生们: 现在飞机客舱失密,正在紧急下降,请不要惊慌,立即系紧安全带固定好身体。氧气面罩自动脱落后,用力拉下氧气面罩,将面罩罩在口鼻处,进行正常呼吸。 谢谢! Decompression Ladies and Gentlemen: This is an emergency descent due to the cabin decompression. Please keep calm. Fasten your seatbelt immediately. Reach up and pull the oxygen mask down to your face as soon as you see it drop from the unit, cover your nose and mouth, slip the elastic band over your head. Oxygen will be automatically supplied. Thank you. 失密后到达安全高度 女士们,先生们: 现在飞机已经到达安全高度,客舱压力已处于正常状态,您可以取下氧气面罩。需要帮助的旅客,请按呼唤铃。 谢谢! After decompression Ladies and Gentlemen: The plane is now at the safety altitude and the cabin pressure is in a normal situation. Please take off the oxygen mask. If you need help, please press the call button. Thank you. 紧急下降 女士们,先生们, 现在飞机紧急下降,请保持您的安全带系紧,收起小桌板和座椅靠背,紧急下降期间不要离开解开安全带。 谢谢! Emergency Descent Ladies and Gentlemen, This is an emergency descent. Please keep your seat belt fastened, stow your table and return your seatback to the upright. Thank you. 紧急着陆前乘务长广播 女士们,先


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