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English Song English Class Language Data Video Data 课时分配 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Introduction – Brainstorming What words come to your mind? Introduction – Part 1 Answers: Introduction – Part 2 Choose words in Part 1 to complete the sentences below. _________ means the end of life. When someone stops living, he ______. People smoke things like _________ and _________. Smoking cause illnesses like _________, ________ and __________. When you get hurt, you are _________. Reading and Vocabulary - Brainstorming Fast Reading Read Article 1 2 as fast as possible. Choose the best topic . Tell me your reason. Tips: Can you find out the topic sentence in Part 1? 3. What else is included in this part? 4. Do Part 3 by yourself. Then check it with your partner. Answers to Part 3: Fast Reading – Part 4 Read Parts 1-6 and decide which article they belong to. Detailed Reading: Can you use words to describe each part? Article 1 Detailed Reading: Part 5 T or F Cocaine can be smoked and also injected. People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needles. Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly. Smoking crack cocaine can change people’s behavior. Detailed Reading: Part 6 Fill in the blanks. Answers: How old, 15 (years old) did he use, (He used) cannabis did he buy, (He bought it from )a man in the street / a drug dealer. offered / sold him, (It was) crack cocaine He broke into a house and stole things to the police station Yes, he did. does Adam, (He works) in a centre for drug addicts. Jigsaw reading: Find out detailed information about Adam . Find out the dangers of cocaine. (选做)Activity: Interview (2 DJs ) Jigsaw reading. Group 1 Adam (experience and feeling) Group 2 classmates( know about story and your opinion) Group 3 Doctors (dangers of using cocaine) Group 4 DJs ( questions) Interview Welcome to Say No to Drugs. I am... Today we have... and his classmate and the doctor together with us. Dear sir,


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