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Lesson 7 Paper Moons By Lewis H. Lapham A private conversation among four consultants and the reporter in the bar during a conference break. The reason for the conference: Alarmed by the deepening economic depression, several wanted to fire a large number of workers. Meanwhile, they needed a noble reason for their dismissal of so many of their employees in order to maintain a good public image for themselves. Townsend is the worldly and sophisticated “specialist” hired to be the mouthpiece of a certain organizations. In his view, what could possibly save the nation’s economy was not to make and sell concrete products, but was to make and sell “metaphors and images and expectations”. The author’s conclusion US economy gains more strength from the abstract market than from the concrete market. He hinted, moreover, that his theory could be extended to apply to American political and military life as well. As he believed, politicians and military leaders, as well as economic experts, all take advantage of the credulity of people by selling them empty promises, or “paper moons”. The Theme: exposing the deceptive side of American economic and political life. Detailed explanation The epigraph from Lord Chesterfield: Many people feel happier if you can listen to them talking, than if you give them whatever they ask for. Lapham borrows this quotation to fit his own meaning, i.e., that many a man takes enormous delight in selling paper moons to those who would listen to his talk with deep admiration. Townsend is just such a person. He is full of hot air, and eager to show off his false expertise. have occasion to do sth (where occasion is uncountable): have need or necessity to do sth. e.g. There is no occasion (=It is quite nnecessary) to be so rude. A good teacher has authority but rarely has occasion to use it (=need to use it; not the opportunity to use it) have many/few… occasions to do sth. (where occasion is countable): have the opportunity or chance to do s


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