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我受不了你喋喋不休地唠叨Im tired of this constant nagging. 0,0:01:03.89,0:01:05.22你想变成你姐姐似的Its like youre turning into one of your sisters. 0,0:01:05.31,0:01:07.97我厌倦了你的酗酒和自艾自怜And Im tired of your drinking and feeling sorry for yourself. 0,0:01:08.44,0:01:09.52我自艾自怜Feeling sorry for myself? 0,0:01:09.68,0:01:12.35 Ill be the mechanic of your heart... ? 0,0:01:12.44,0:01:13.90观在一大批失业Half the bloody country is out of work. 0,0:01:14.03,0:01:17.06你又不特别 哦 让我出去Youre not that special. Oh, let me out of here. 0,0:01:17.24,0:01:19.62 And with a wrench, Ill take you apart... ? 0,0:01:19.74,0:01:22.98这是我家 你家 太荒唐了Its my bloody house. Your bloody house? Brilliant. 0,0:01:23.12,0:01:25.36我还了15年的房贷Ive been paying the mortgage on it for the last 15 years. 0,0:01:25.54,0:01:28.16要是你不还的话 我会离开你If we didnt share a mortgage, I would leave you. 0,0:01:28.32,0:01:30.51 If we didnt share a mortgage ? 0,0:01:30.64,0:01:32.87 I would leave you... ? 0,0:01:35.47,0:01:38.63我受够了 随你吧Ive had enough of it. Go on and leave any time you like. 0,0:01:38.80,0:01:41.36 Go on and leave any time you like... ? 0,0:01:41.43,0:01:43.17随你 贱人Go on then, you stupid bitch. 0,0:01:43.32,0:01:45.78 You stupid bitch... ? 0,0:01:45.89,0:01:47.60虽然目前还没有准确的数据Though there are still no accurate figures 0,0:01:47.73,0:01:49.89到底有多少爱尔兰年轻人来到英国找工作for the number of young lrish people coming to London 0,0:01:50.02,0:01:54.39但粗略估计呈上升趋势in search of work, the crude indications that do exist show an enormous increase. 0,0:01:54.53,0:01:56.48有人带一点钱坐船过来Many take the boat with barely enough money 0,0:01:56.61,0:01:59.82在伦敦生活一段时间 但一部分人会选择移民to survive a few days in London, but still they emigrate 0,0:01:59.91,0:02:03.36因为他们在这看到了希望 而这些希望在爱尔兰是看不到的because they see hope across the sea, hope they cannot see in lreland. 0,0:02:11.13,0:02:13.41要开会了This meeting has been called to order. 0,0:02:13.55,0:02:15.33拜托能快点Pray proceed. 0,0:02:15.46,0:02:18.38你们有人可能已经注意到了Well, as some of you may have noticed, 0,0:02:18.47,0:02:21.30这些天


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