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I cleaned the classroom. The classroom is clean now. I have cleaned the classroom. 2. He read the book. He knows the story now. He has read the book. 3. She went to the library. She isn’t here now. She has gone to the library. Tom didn’t do his homework. He isn’t free now. Tom hasn’t done his homework. I saw the film. I know something about the film. I have seen the film. 2. He lost his wallet. He has no money now. He has lost his wallet. 3. My mother went shopping. She isn’t at home now. My mother has gone shopping. 4. His brother didn’t clean the blackboard. the blackboard isn’t clean now. His brother hasn’t cleaned the blackboard. The Queen is looking into the mirror, _____ _____? The mirror can tell who is the most beautiful lady in the world, _____ _____? Snow White’s mother died when the girl was very young, _____ _____? The Queen likes Snow White very much, _____ _____? Snow White is more beautiful than the Queen, _____ _____? The Queen wants to kill Snow White, _____ _____? What did the Queen ask the huntsman to do? Where did the huntsman take Snow White? Did the huntsman kill Snow White? What did Snow White see in the forest? What did she do in the little house? Who were the masters of the little house? What did Snow White do when she woke up? Listening Complete the following sentences He _______(be) in hospital three days ago. Our English teacher _________(mark) our English papers last night. We _________(chat) with each other on the Internet a moment ago. I ________(try) on this coat just now. Mary _______(buy) a new toy car last Christmas. They ________(go) shopping in the shopping mall yesterday. * /dwC:f/ /5mAdVIk/ /5mIrE/ /5stepmQTE/ /daI/ /5hQntsmEn/ /kIl/ /In5sted/ /E5lEJn/ /5mB:stE/ /5taIdI/ /5sQmwQn/ /weIk/ /C:l5redI/ /jet/ /bC:d/ /5fInIF/ /baIt/ /kraI/ /5leItE/ /prIns/ /sQtF/ /dI5saId/ The Queen ______ (tell) her huntsman to kill Snow White. The huntsman ______ (take) the girl to a fores


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