跨文化交际实训Chapter 5 ulture Shock in Intercultural Communication.ppt

跨文化交际实训Chapter 5 ulture Shock in Intercultural Communication.ppt

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跨文化交际实训Chapter 5 ulture Shock in Intercultural Communication

I. Definition Causes of Culture Shock 文化休克的定义和起因 Causes of culture shock language difficulties the losing all the familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse customs and etiquette lack of necessary cultural knowledge corresponding social skills I. Definition Causes of Culture Shock 文化休克的定义和起因 Table 5.1 The major differences between Chinese and American continued I. Definition Causes of Culture Shock 文化休克的定义和起因 Table 5.1 The major differences between Chinese and American (Culture Shock in Cross-Cultural Communication,张琳娜,中国知网,2006,P36) Table 5.2 The W-Curve of Intercultural Sojourning Case Analysis Case 3 left, he still looked angry. Mr. Li sighed; he knew he had made a bad start but still didn’t understand why. Questions for discussion 1. Why does Mr. Smith get so angry with Mr. Li? 2. Can you figure out from this case some differences between westerns and Chinese? Case Analysis Case 4 The next day, the English version of his words was shown in the local newspaper. To his shock, the restaurant owner flew into a rage. He though it was an insult to his restaurant and insisted that Li Hongzhang should show him the evidence of which dish was not well-made and which dish was not delicious. Otherwise, Li Hongzhang intentionally damaged the reputation of the restaurant, and he should apologize. All the fuss made Li Hongzhang rather embarrassed. Question for discussion Could the Westerners understand Chinese modesty? III. Symptoms of Culture Shock 文化冲击的症状 loss of ability to work or study effectively unable to solve simple problems during daily life refusal to learn the language developing obsessions such as over-cleanliness excessive concern over health, security withdrawal from people spending too much time alone in their room (only socializing with people from their home country), etc. Key Terms Catatonia紧张症 一组精神运动和意志的质的紊乱,包括刻板、作态、自动服从症、僵硬、模仿动作、缄默症、违拗症,自动症和冲动行为等。这些现象可在运动过多、过少或运动不能的背景下出现。本症并不限于分裂症,也可见于器质性脑病(如脑炎)、


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