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施工企业定额的编制研究 摘 要 企业定额是施工企业根据自身的技术、装备和综合管理水平,在自身积累资料的基础上,制定的能够反映企业综合生产力水平的消耗定额,企业定额是企业内部管理的定额,它涉及到企业内部管理的方方面面,包括企业生产经营的计划、组织、协调、控制和指挥各个环节。 我国现行的工程量清单计价模式,是适应建筑市场经济发展,与国际接轨的计价模式。在这种计价模式下,施工企业需要编制能够反映自身生产力水平和综合管理水平的企业定额,同时,我国建筑业的发展与企业定额也是息息相关的,企业定额的编制已经越来越重要。 本文在分析对比国内外企业定额编制现状的基础上,从不同角度说明企业定额编制的重要性,论述了企业定额编制的几种基本方法,着重探索企业定额编制中三个重要消耗量的确定方法。 关键词:企业定额,施工企业,消耗量 STUDY ON THE ORIGINATION OF QUOTA INCONSTRUCTION ENTERPRISES Abstract Enterprise quota is construction enterprises according to their own technology, equipment and comprehensive management level, in their own accumulation material, and on the basis of the set can reflect the comprehensive enterprise productivity consumption quota, enterprise quota is the enterprise internal management of the fixed, it involves the enterprise internal management aspects, including the production and operation of enterprises plan, organize, coordinate and control and command each link. Chinaese current mode of valuation, is adapted to the building of the development of the market economy, the pattern of valuation with international standards. In this under the mode of valuation, building enterprise need to prepare to reflect their own productivity level and the comprehensive management level of enterprise fixed, at the same time, our country the development of construction industry and the enterprise quota is also closely linked, the enterprise complement of establishment has more and more important. Based on the analysis of the present situation of domestic and foreign enterprises and quota contrast, on the basis of life from different angles of enterprise fixed said the importance and discusses the enterprise of some methods of quota, focused on the exploration of enterprise fixed three important method to determine the consumption. Keywords: Enterprise Quota, Construction Enterprise, Consumption 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景及意义 1 1.1.1研究的背景 1 1.1.2研究的意义 2 1.2国内外施工企业定额的编制研究 2 1.2.1国外施工企业定额的编制研究 2 1.2.2我国施工企业定额的编制研究 4 1.3研究的主要内


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