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Unit 2 ?Is? this your pencil? 第3课时 Section A 3—Section B 2c ??????????????????? :1、熟练掌握 本课13个单词. 2、掌握句型:What’ s this in English? It’a /an …? How do you spell it? 3、能听懂有关谈论物主的对话并进行自由交际. 、自主学习 学习任务一: ?熟练读 写本课13个单词. ????????? 1、个人自读,记忆本课单词. ????????? 2、小组互相检查单词读写情况. ?? ???????3、? 完成P10, 1a 将词语和图中物品搭配 学习任务二: ?运用句型:What’s this in English?? It’s a/an… ????????????????? How do you spell it? 进行自由交际. ??? 1、预习P9 , 3,试着说出图中出现的5中物品名称. ??? 2、学习对话    A:Whats this in English?B:Its a pen. ????? A: How do you spell it? B:P--E--N.  ??? A:Is this your pen???? B:Yes,it is./No,it isnt. ????? 1) 自读 并试着理解对话.??? ????? 2) 小组讨论对话意思. ????? 3)组内练习对话并背诵. ???? 3、利用3和1a中出现的物品,两人一组,练习新的对话. ???? 4、对抗组竞赛,展示对话. 学习任务三: ?听 听力,完成Section B 1a ,2a,2b. ??? 1、听录音,圈出1a中你所听到的物品. ??? 2、听录音,在表中填出你所听到的物品. ??? 3、再次听录音,完成下列对话(Kelsey—K Teacher—T) ???? K:Im looking for my_____. T:OK. Is this your _____? ???? K::No, it ______.? Thats my________. T: ______? you are. ???? K::And thats my ____ ____? T: OK .Whats your ___? ???? K:Kelsey? ?? 2) (Mike—M Teacher—T) ??? M: Thats my ________. ??? T: This? ??? M: Yes…and thats my _____. ??? T: All right. Whats your _____???? ??? M: Mike.????????? T: OK.? Heres your ________. ??? M: Thank you. 三.精讲精练 Listening (2a).(通过听力练习,加深对所学单词的记忆。) T: Listen to the conversation. Pay special attention to the names of objects. You will hear some of the names, not all of them. Circle on the picture each item whose name is mentioned in the conversations. (Play the recording twice. Students listen and circle the items.) T: Let抯 check the answers, OK? S6: ?T: Who would like to say the circled words again? S7: ?Listening(2b).(通过听力练习,强化学生对单词和句型的理解,同时训练学生写的技能。) T: Please look at the two pictures in 2b. One is Kelsey, and the other is Mike. Listen to the conversations again. This time you will pay attention to the things Kelsey and Mike are looking for. Then write down the names of the things under each person’s pictures. (Play the recording for the students to write down the words.)


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