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再生性大结节(RN) 右前叶下段结节,动脉期强化,门脉期呈等信号,肝胆特异期呈高信号 再生性大结节?退变结节?高分化肝癌? 增生性(退变)结节(DN) 低级别DN、高级别DN T1W信号:高 低 T2W信号:等 高 增强动脉期血供:少 多 DWI弥散受限程度:低 高 T2W-FS T1W-FS 动脉期 门脉期 延迟期 高级别DN 肝 癌 MR表现 T1WI呈等低信号,T2WI呈偏高信号 肝癌的主要血供来自肝动脉,增强呈“快进快出”样改变 肿瘤较大可发生出血坏死 门脉癌栓;肝动脉-门静脉瘘 T1W-FS 预扫 动脉期 门脉期 延迟期 10min 肝胆特异期 延迟90min T2WI-FS 肝右后叶小肝癌 ADC图 同相位 反相位 DWI b值=800 肝右后叶小肝癌 T1WI-FS 预扫 动脉期 门脉期 延迟期 10min 肝胆特异期 延迟90min T2WI-FS 多中心型肝癌 ADC图 同相位 反相位 DWI b值=800 多中心型肝癌 T1WI-FS 预扫 动脉期 门脉期 延迟期 10min 肝胆特异期 延迟90min T2WI-FS 肝右叶肝癌并门脉癌栓 ADC图 同相位 反相位 DWI b值=800 肝右叶肝癌并门脉癌栓 肝转移瘤 是肝脏最常见的恶性肿瘤之一 转移途径: 邻近器官肿瘤的直接侵犯; 经肝门部淋巴结转移; 经门静脉转移; 经肝动脉转移 常见结肠癌、胰腺癌、其次乳腺癌、肺癌、肾癌、卵巢癌等 常为多发,少数单发 T1WI-FS 预扫 动脉期 门脉期 T2WI-FS 直肠癌肝转移 延迟期 10min 肝胆特异期 延迟90min ADC图 同相位 反相位 DWI b值=800 直肠癌肝转移 In the 3 slices shown, 3 separate lesions are identified (arrows), 2 within the left lobe and 1 within the right lobe. The lesions are slightly hyperintense relative to liver on T2 imaging. All 3 lesions show relatively uniform and avid enhancement on arterial-phase imaging with slight hyperintensity on portal-venous-phase imaging (not shown). Delayed hepatobiliary-phase images show hyperintensity of these lesions relative to the adjacent liver. The largest lesion (middle row) in the left lobe shows a classic central scar appearance and approximately matches the hyperintense central scar seen on T2-weighted imaging. A relatively large area of hypointensity is seen in the second lesion (top row), a pattern that is also commonly observed on delayed-phase imaging. Finally, 1 small lesion (bottom row) demonstrates a hyperintense rim that is often seen in smaller FNH. ?3个层面,3个病灶,左叶2个,右叶1个。T2呈稍高信号,动脉期明显、均匀强化,门脉期呈稍高信号,延迟20分钟病灶呈稍高信号。最大病灶呈典型的中央瘢痕,T2压脂瘢痕呈高信号;最小的病灶延迟呈高信号环,是较小FNH的常见表现。 The constellation of imaging findings, including delayed hepatobiliary-phase imaging, is diagnostic for FNH, particularly in an asymptomatic patient. No other lesion should be considered in the differential diagnosis. The use of optimized delayed he


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