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实习生. 非常感谢您的耐心Oh, thank you so much for your patience. 您的钱我会全额返还And I am gonna refund you back all your money. 这是...Its the... 是的 不...Yes. N... 好的 嘿 这件事别顾虑了 好吗Okay, hey, you check this one off your list, okay? 没问题了This is done. 芮秋尔 祝您的婚礼盛大圆满And, Rachel, have a great wedding. 天呐 怎么会发生那种事Oh, my god, how did that happen? 朱尔斯?Becky: Jules? 我知道 我知道 有些事被我耽搁了I know, I know, Im late for something. 没错 是所有事Yeah, everything. 知道我为什么接客服电话吗You see why I take customer-service calls? 这很不错 获益良多I mean, its so good. You learn so much. 好了 什么事 我要干嘛Okay, whats up? What am I doing? 卡梅隆之前在等你 但他有另一个会议了Okay, Cameron was waiting for you but had another meeting. 他说两点回来He said hell be back at :. 大家要你审核明天的主页Everyone needs you to sign off on tomorrows homepage. 了解Right. 你点要到大会议室And your : is in the big conference room. 点分也是 财政部找你有事So is your :. Finance needs you, 我猜你凌晨四点给一堆人and I guess you e-mailed a bunch of people 发电邮说了些事?at : A.M. about something? 太好了 我都忘了Oh, good, I forgot about that. 我想找个法子让友人们一起网购I want to figure out a way for friends to shop together online. 让网购不再是一件单独的事Make it less of an alone thing. 把这主意电邮给我 好吗E-mail me that idea, will you? 好 我喜欢这主意Yeah, I like that. 呃 现在给你妈回电话合适吗Um, is now a good time to call your mom back? 妹子 我在骑车呢Dude, Im on a bike. 生日快乐Happy Birthday! 来啊Come on. 太乱了吧 这里是办公室中央啊Oh, what a mess. This is the middle of the office. 别 别 别放那东西...Dont... dont... Dont put that... 你好 嗨Hello. Hi. 我是本·维特克Im Ben whittaker. 我收到了关于高年实习生的I received an e-mail about an interview 面试电邮for the senior intern program. 嘿 本 一切都好吗Hey, Ben. Hows it going? 都好 真的 谢谢Its going good, real good. Thank you. 太好了 去角落那坐吧Excellent. Take a seat around the corner, 人才招聘部的人会来接待你and someone from talent acquisition will come get you. 谢谢Thank you. 人才招聘部?Talent acquisition? 好了 你们得记住Okay, you guys have to remember, 主页必须一目了然the homepage has to read in a glance. 没错 还有 假设你们岁以上Right. Also, you have to get back like this 想看效果的话 得这样退后几步if you want to see what looks like if youre, like, over . 好了 这样我什么都看不清Okay, so I cant


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