《Unit 5 A party课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点六年级下册_40.ppt

《Unit 5 A party课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点六年级下册_40.ppt

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《Unit 5 A party课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点六年级下册_40

* 根据三原色原理叠加后的单色形成了第三种颜色并脱离了原本的单色颜色更加丰富象征着产品在原有空间的组合中产生了突破性的变化 * 江苏省南通市通州区兴东小学 葛飞 Xingdong Primary School Ge Fei Xingdong Primary School Ge Fei What are they doing ? They are singing. What are they doing ? They are dancing. What are they doing ? They are drinking. What are they doing? They are having parties. 1. What parties did you take part in(参加) ? 2. What do we need for the parties? (如果是较陌生的单词,可以配上相应的图文哦。) drinks fruit toys snacks others Learning tip1 Be prepared. 只有做好充分的准备,派对才能成功举行。学习也是如此,需要充分的预习。 juice milk tea cola coffee ... apples pears oranges grapes peaches pineapples ... a toy dog a toy train dolls ... sandwiches cakes pies bread sweets biscuits hot dogs... balloons flowers nice food CDs ... A party What do you want to know about the party ? 你想知道关于聚会的哪些问题? Learing tip2 可以尝试用be going to 来提问 A party When ? Where ? It is Childrens Day this Sunday. Whens Childrens Day? Thechildren are going to have a party at Mikes house. Pay attention to the stress and the pause . 朗读时注意句中的重音和停顿。 A party When ? Where ? Who? Who are going to have the party ? Who are going to have the party ? A party When ? Where ? Who? What? What are the children going to bring to the party ? Learing tip3 仔细阅读课文,可以先圈出关键词再连线。 He/She is going to bring some... to the party. drinks Health tip: Snacks and drinks are not good for our health. We can have a little at a time. chips sunflower seeds cola sprite black tea bubble tea snacks popcoin What are the children going to bring to the party ? Learing tip3 仔细阅读,可以边读边做记号,然后连线。 He/She is going to bring some... to the party. Su Hai is going to buy some snacks and drinks . Wang Bing is going to bring some fruit from home.Yang Ling is going to bring some toys and play with her friends at the party. Look at Liu Tao. What is he going to do for the party ? Pay attention to the intonation. 朗读时注意语调哦。 请你想象一下,之前他们是怎样 精心计划这次聚会的


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