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毕业设计(论文)-全自动立式过滤机的设计 title Automatic vertical filter machine design Key Words filterstructure control systemProgrammable enfroller AbstractAs short of water resource and more and more serious situation of water pollution filtration and separation have been the best way to settle the problem of Reuse of waste water and realization of well economy benefit and social benefitBut there are several disadvantages in these raditional filters such as great volumediscontinuous production lack of automation great waste of manpower materialresources financial Based on design of automatic self-cleaning filter on industrial scale 50 m3h the design and optimization procedures of several operation parameters are presented and a model of filter is obtained as wellthen to calculate control parameters of control systemThe main research contents are following asA auto control self-cleaning filter on industrial scale 50m 3h work pressure 16-25Mpa filtration accuracy 01-200μm filtration surface 10㎡ Motor power 55 KW and work temperature -5 ℃ - 105 ℃ has been designed auto control self-cleaning filter drive itself to clean completely by its pressure of filtrated liquid and without stopVolume of the filteris so little and precision can be modulated to fit for kinds of industry produce In this paper a suit of drawing and design procedures of such filter has been givenMechanism during filtration in the filter has been studied are obtained 二设计意义过滤机是利用多孔性过滤介质截留液体与固体颗粒混合物中的固体颗粒而实现固液分离的设备过滤机广泛应用于化工石油制药轻工食品选矿煤炭和水处理等部门 中国古代即已应用过滤技术于生产公元前二百年已有植物纤维制作的纸公元105年蔡伦改进了造纸法他在造纸过程中将植物纤维纸浆荡于致密的细竹帘上水经竹帘缝隙滤过一薄层湿纸浆留于竹帘面上干后即成纸张   最早的过滤大多为重力过滤后来采用加压过滤提高了过滤速度进而又出现了真空过滤20世纪初发明的转鼓真空过滤机实现了过滤操作的连续化此后各种类型的连续过滤机相继出现间歇操作的过滤机因能实现自动化操作而得到发展过滤面积越来越大为得到含湿量低的滤渣机械压榨的过滤机得到了发展   用过滤介质把容器分隔为上下腔即构成简单的过滤器悬浮液加入上腔在压力作用下通过过滤介质进入下腔成为滤液固体颗粒被截留在过滤介质表面形成滤渣 或称滤饼   过滤过程中过滤介质表面积存的滤渣层逐渐加厚液体通过滤渣层的阻力随之增高过滤速度减小当滤室充满滤渣或过滤速度太小时停止过滤清除滤渣使过滤介质再生以完成一次过滤循环   液体通过滤渣层和过滤介质必须克服阻力因此在过滤介质的两侧必须有压力差这是实现过滤的推动力增大压力差可以加速过滤但受压后变形的颗粒在大压力差时易堵塞过滤介质孔


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