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* Discuss the pushbutton, and how each terminal corresponds to two pins. Discuss pushbutton theory of operation. Review how the pushbutton shorts the terminals. Discuss what P3 is supposed to sense depending on whether the pushbutton is pressed or not. Emphasize that the white lines are artifacts of the drawing. * Explain that the DEBUG command will be used to monitor the state of IN3, which is a special variable that holds a 1 when it senses Vdd and a 0 when it senses Vss. Ask them what effect PAUSE has. Make sure that they understand that the pushbutton will only be checked every ? second by design. Mention that serial port buffer overload is an issue for many PCs. * Suggest that they reopen FlashLed.bs2, and modify the contents of the DO…LOOP according to what’s shown. Remind them to rename it. This time, it’s PushbuttonControlledLed.bs2 Explain how the IF statement is used to make decisions. * Explain that they can add specific conditions using the ELSEIF keyword. After they appear to understand this code segment, explain the problem about pressing and holding both pushbuttons. Show them this program in the stamp editor and have them think about how to detect if both pushbuttons are pressed. Explain that that is yet another way IF…ELSEIF…ELSE can be used. Explain that time will probably not permit, but there is also a reaction timer game that involves an LED that changes color and a program that tracks how long it takes between the time the LED changes color and the user lets go of the pushbutton. Open WAM and show how the chapters are split into activities. Explain that the first activity is usually a hands-on, minimal or no programming exercise. The last activity is typically an application example that involves something fun and interactive for the students, such as a reaction timer game. * Introduce that the Debug Terminal can be used to send messages to the BASIC Stamp as well as display messages from the BASIC Stamp. Explain that the DEBUGIN comman


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