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Unit 10词汇篇____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________熟练掌握本单元重点词组句型。Unit 10 I’d like some noodles.◆短语归纳1. would like 想要2. take one’s order 点菜3. beef soup 牛肉汤4. one bowl of…一碗……5. what size 什么尺寸6. mapotofu with rice带米饭的麻婆豆腐7. what kind 什么种类8. small / medium / large bowl 小/ 中/大碗9. green tea 绿茶10. orange juice 橘汁11. around the world 世界各地12. birthday cake 生日蛋糕13. the number of…的数量14. make a wish 许个愿望15. blow out 吹灭16. in one go 一口气17. come true 实现18. cut up 切碎◆用法集萃1. would like + sth. 想要某物2. would like + to do sth. 想要做某事3. Why don’t you + do sth.?何不做某事?4. the number of + 名词复数……的数量,a number of+名词复数许多……◆典句必背1. What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要哪种面条?2. I’d like beef noodles, please. 我想要牛肉面。3. What size would you like? 你想要多大的?4. I’d like a medium bowl, please. 我想要一个中碗的。5. Would you like a large bowl? 你想要一个大碗的吗?6. Yes, please. 好吧。7. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.假如他或她一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,愿望将实现。1. --- May I take your ??--- Yes, Id like some beef.A. sizeB. ageC. orderD. number2. There isnt any ? in the bowl.A. noodlesB. dumplingsC. riceD. eggs3. --- Would you like ? ice-cream?--- Yes, please.A. someB. anyC. manyD. much4. Mike doesnt like chicken ? mutton.A. andB. orC. butD. also5. The number of the ? in our school ? 231.A. teacher; isB. teachers; areC. teachers; isD. teacher; are基础演练一、单项选择(共5小题;共5.0分) 1. Skating is getting ? now. Many people like to skate.A. importantB. difficultC. popularD. funny 2. You like ? basketball. Would you like ? a new one?A. play; buyingB. to play; buyC. to play; buyingD. playing; to buy 3. The question is easy and everyone can ? it.A. askB. answerC. playD. make 4. --- ? Toms favourite food?--- His favourite food is


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