CTE Technical Skill AssessmentCTE技能评估.ppt

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CTE Technical Skill AssessmentCTE技能评估.ppt

Up to two assessments per student per year can be collected Collection and reporting of grades will continue Reporting by ODE to USDOE start 2010-2011 Approved programs must report by 2012-2013 Not all programs will have technical skill assessment data in 2010-2011. Oregon Dept. of Education, April 2011 * Oregon Dept. of Education, April 2011 * Student Assessment Student Information System State Data System Chosen locally Local system for reporting Third-party data usually available Proficiency score Sample reporting forms available Statewide system (OCCURS or OAIS) Able to collect data Secondary vendors notified Backup secondary online system Colleges have made modifications Optional secondary reporting document http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/pte/secondarytsadatareport.doc Optional postsecondary reporting document http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/pte/tecskillassesssubmissiontemplateccc.xls Oregon Dept. of Education, April 2011 * Make sure there is a local method to move data to the statewide system. Identify programs that should or could be reporting data for 2010-2011. Make sure data is being reported during the appropriate timeline. Secondary – April 28 to June 30, 2011 Postsecondary – deadline August 5, 2011 Oregon Dept. of Education, April 2011 * Understand changes in technical skill attainment data reporting requirements for Perkins IV. Understand timelines for new data reporting. Understand what qualifies as a valid and reliable technical skill assessment. Understand which programs should be reporting technical skill assessment data. Oregon Dept. of Education, April 2011 * This Webinar and Power Point will be posted on the ODE website at: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1656 All questions and responses will be posted on the ODE website. For any additional questions contact Tom Thompson at tom.thompson@state.or.us Oregon Dept. of Education, April 2011 * CTE Regional Coordinators or Perkins Grant Managers ODE resources on tech


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