CS-Note-Inputppt - Chu Hai Collegecs-note-inputppt -珠海学院.ppt

CS-Note-Inputppt - Chu Hai Collegecs-note-inputppt -珠海学院.ppt

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CS-Note-Inputppt - Chu Hai Collegecs-note-inputppt -珠海学院.ppt

CS206 System Analysis Design Note 12 By ChangYu Lecture Note 12 Designing Effective Input Systems Analysis and Design Kendall Kendall Sixth Edition Major Topics Input Design Form Design Display Design GUI Screen Design GUI Controls Web Design Guidelines Input Design Objectives The quality of system input determines the quality of system output. It is vital (重要的) that input forms, displays, and interactive Web documents be designed with this critical relationship in mind. Well-designed input objectives: Effectiveness: Input design all serve specific purposes in the information system. Accuracy: The design ensures proper completion. Ease of Use: The forms and displays are straightforward (坦率的) and require no extra time to decipher (難懂的東西) . Consistency: All input forms group data similarly from on application to the next. Simplicity: Refers to keeping those same designs uncluttered (整齊) in a manner (方式) that focuses the user’s attention. Attractiveness (引入注意): Implies that users will enjoy using input forms because of their appealing (要求) design. Good Form Design Forms are important instruments (工具) for steering (方向) the course of work. They are preprinted papers that require people to fill in responses in a standardized way. Forms often serve as source documents for data entry personnel or for input to ecommerce applications. Guidelines for good form design: Make forms easy to fill out. Ensure that forms meet the purpose for which they are designed. Design forms to assure accurate completion. Keep forms attractive. Making Forms Easy to Fill In To make forms easy to fill out, the following techniques are used: First, design forms with proper flow, from left to right and top to bottom that can minimize the time and effort. Second, group information logically using the seven sections of a form. Third, provide people with clear captions. Captions tell the person completing the form what to put on a blank line, space, or box. Seven Sections of a Form The seven s


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