Cultivating a Positive Culture in the High School在高中文化积极培养.pptVIP

Cultivating a Positive Culture in the High School在高中文化积极培养.ppt

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Cultivating a Positive Culture in the High School在高中文化积极培养.ppt

Cultivating a Positive Culture in the High School Jeff Janette, Assistant Principal Secondary Trainer Universal Trainer Nicholas Willis, PBS Team Leader Session 17A 12:45 Session 17B 9:30 What is School Culture? Culture can be defined as the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group (D, 2009). School culture encompasses the culture of all members of the school community. Ethnicity Socio-economic background Morals and values Religion What is Your School’s Culture? Demographic make-up Ethnicity Poverty levels Educational background Reputation Teachers Students Parents Community members Policies/Procedures Discipline/PBS Lunch Changing classes Assemblies Other Aspects of School Culture Celebrations Pep rallies Banquets Assemblies Award walls/cases Aesthetics Entrances Interior Exterior Make Data-Driven Decisions PBS Team should Collect and classify data Analyze data Determine areas of strength and weakness Present the findings to the faculty Faculty and staff should be responsible for developing goals. Students can also be included in developing solutions. Beginning the Overhaul Ensure administration is on board. Determine how goals will be developed. Surveys Discussion board Faculty meeting Create an action plan for the coming year. Degrees of Difficulty School aesthetics Teacher/student rewards Award programs Academic/Behavioral celebrations Faculty/staff get-togethers Relationships School/Community relations Addressing the 1st Degree Find out what is needed Ask teachers, students, parents Ask alumni Get as many people involved as possible Establish work days Develop partnerships with local businesses Invite local groups, i.e. church groups, rotary clubs, to get on the bandwagon. Addressing the 2nd Degree Turn ordinary programs into celebrations Academic Pep Rally Top 25 Celebration Invite everyone School board members Central office



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