PowerPoint Presentation - PCA READAPT Exhibit PresentaionPowerPoint演示文稿- PCA适应表现表现.pptVIP

PowerPoint Presentation - PCA READAPT Exhibit PresentaionPowerPoint演示文稿- PCA适应表现表现.ppt

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PowerPoint Presentation - PCA READAPT Exhibit PresentaionPowerPoint演示文稿- PCA适应表现表现.ppt

Polymorphous Computing Architectures Goal: Computing systems (chips, networks, software) that will verifiably morph to changing missions, sensor configurations, hardware failures, and operational constraints during a mission or over the life of the platform Verification Validation Problem VV currently represents 40 to 70% of total system costs Next generation systems will drive this cost up exponentially Increasing Scale: Multi-mission roles, improved sensors, etc. Increasing Complexity Introduction of autonomy, adaptive mission processing, decision aiding capabilities High percentage of non-deterministic functionality Emergence of adaptive computing (PCA, etc.) Current VV solutions are costly with limited scalability Leveraging Design Models for VV High Payoff Technologies Enhanced model-based techniques for complex, dynamic systems Formal methods: Domain-specific approaches provide provably correct designs; dramatic (4-10X) reduction in software, integration, and test costs Hybrid methods: Combine discrete (state, flow-based) and continuous (system dynamics, temporal) models Stochastic methods: Complexity- and probability-based characterization of non-deterministic system functions and software Evolutionary methods: Mutation-based testing and constraint generation Constraint-driven specification, implementation, and run-time enforcement of emergent behaviors Information integration across multiple domains/aspects READAPT VV Thesis and Goals Thesis Run-Time monitoring and correcting is a revolutionary solution for ensuring “safe” and properly executing behavior for PCA and cognitive systems-based adaptable architectures READAPT VV goals Develop efficient and reliable means of capturing both system behaviors and system designs (model behaviors) Develop ability to monitor complex, adaptable systems at run-time to behaviors captured during the design process Develop ability to force a complex system into a properly behaving state in response to changing beha


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