High-Resolution Simulation of Hurricane Bonnie () Part II 飓风邦妮的高分辨率模拟()第二部分.pptVIP

High-Resolution Simulation of Hurricane Bonnie () Part II 飓风邦妮的高分辨率模拟()第二部分.ppt

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High-Resolution Simulation of Hurricane Bonnie () Part II 飓风邦妮的高分辨率模拟()第二部分.ppt

High-Resolution Simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). Part II: Water Budget SCOTT A. BRAUN J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 43-64 Introduction The total heat content of normal tropical air, if raised by undilute ascent within cumulus towers, is insufficient to generate a warm core capable of reducing the surface pressure below 1000 mb (Riehl 1954; Palmen and Riehl 1957; Malkus and Riehl 1960; Kurihara 1975). Horizontal advection tended to transport drier air into the core in the boundary layer and moist air from the eye to the eyewall within the low-level outflow above the boundary layer (Zhang et al. 2002). Few studies of the condensed water budget have been conducted for hurricanes (Marks 1985; Marks and Houze 1987; Gamache et al. 1993). In this study, we compute budgets of both water vapor and total condensed water from a high-resolution simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). Simulation and analysis description a. Simulation description Budget formulation Conclusion A detailed water budget is performed using a high-resolution simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). The simulation generally reproduces the track, intensity, and structure of the storm, but overpredicts the precipitation as inferred from comparison of model and TRMM radar reflectivities. The water vapor budget confirms that the ocean source of vapor in the eyewall region is very small relative to the condensation and inward transport of vapor, with the ocean vapor source in the eyewall (0.7) being approximately 4% of the inward vapor transport into the eyewall (16.8) region. In the eyewall, most of the condensation occurs within convective towers while in the outer regions condensation results from a mix of convective and stratiform precipitation processes, with the stratiform component tending to dominate. Precipitation processes acting outside of the eyewall region are not very dependent on the condensate mass produced within and transported outward from the eyewall. Instead, the precipitation derives from c


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