Create Online Activity创建在线活动.pptVIP

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Create Online Activity创建在线活动.ppt

Create Online Activity Basic Web-based Learning Formats Hotlist Begin exploration The basic building block for the other activity formats Supplements traditional teaching materials. Avoids students wasting time surfing the Net More efficient than handing out lists of sites or sharing bookmarks Easily updated and can be modified to fit students ability and interests Eliminates unnecessary photocopying of materials Examples China on the Net Multimedia scrapbook Download media Student centered activity Students choose an aspect of the topic that personally interests them Enables students to create more interesting reports and presentations Students have the opportunity to make use of multimedia tools Example Exploring China The Great Depression The Soccer Scrapbook Subject sampler Connect affectively Encourages students to buy in to the topic being studied Lets students choose resources depending on individual interests and learning style Triggers an affective interest in the topic to be studied Example My China River Echosystems Sampler Treasure hunt Build knowledge Encourages reading for a specific purpose Fosters sharing and consensus building among student groups Asks students to infer and draw conclusions Examples Black History: Past to Present Webquest Problem solve Provides up-to-date resources from a variety of perspectives on complex issues Encourages reading for comprehension and evaluation (critical reading skills) Requires sharing of information and synthesizing materials from divergent viewpoints Helps students see different solutions to complex problems Process encourages respect for others viewpoints Facilitates written work for a real-world audience Example Look Who’s Footing the Bill Conflict Yellowstone wolves Functions Create web-based activities Topic Selection Curriculum Course students’ age and language level particular teaching objective Rubrics for topic seletion The topic can be clearly tied to state or local curricu


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