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21-三体综合征 trisomy 21 syndrome Down syndrome, DSmongolism 1866 英国医生Langdon Down 首先描述,故称为 Down综合征(Down sydrome) 1959,法国细胞遗传学家Lejeune证实此病的病因是多了一个小的G组染色体 Incidence Globally 1 per 700 live birth 1/3 of moderate and severe mental handicaps Race all races Sex no difference Clinical Feature mental retardation growth failure characteristic faces dermatoglyphic abnormality other malformations Clinical Feature Mental retardation mild to severe intelligence quotient (IQ) : 25-50 Growth failure short,5th percentile or less on the growth chart delayed bone age and dentition delayed development Clinical Feature Typical facial manifestation 头颅小而圆 脸圆而扁平 眼裂小而向上外倾斜,眼距宽 耳小,耳位低,耳廓畸形 鼻梁低平 嘴小唇厚 舌大外伸(伸舌样痴呆之名由此而来) 其他异常 40%~50% congenital heart disease malformation of the GI tract malformation of hand and foot susceptible to infections increased risk of leukemia 分类 Three cytogenetic variants cause Down syndrome trisomy 21 92%~95% chromosomal translocation 2.5%~5% mosaicism 2%~4% 正常vs异常染色体 诊断 Clinical manifestations Final diagnosis karyotyping of peripheral blood lymphocyte Prenatal diagnosis amniotic fluid karyotyping of chorionic cells 治疗 No effective treatments education and training correct the malformation prevent infections drugs Mortality/Morbidity Mortality 25-30% die during the first year of life The most frequent causes respiratory infections congenital heart disease Prevention Three levels of prevention by WHO primary:pathogenesis secondary:delivery tertiary:early diagnosis and therapy 苯丙酮尿症 概念 发病率:我国为1/11 000,北方高于南方 遗传病:常染色体隐性遗传性疾病 病因:苯丙氨酸羟化酶缺陷 危害:严重的智能发育障碍 可治疾病:早诊断,早治疗 苯丙酮尿症的历史 1934年挪威医师Folling用FeCl3检查智力障碍小儿,发现尿液呈绿色反应,并分离出苯丙酮酸 1938年Folling发现这类病人血苯丙氨酸浓度升高 1947年Jervis发现正常人肝脏组织的上清液能将苯丙氨酸转变为酪氨酸,PKU病人肝组织不能 苯丙酮尿症的历史 1953年德国医师Bickel首先报道用低Phe奶方治疗PKU获得成功 1963年美国Guthrie医师首创细菌抑制法进行新生儿筛查 1976年Leeming发现第一例生物蝶呤合成酶PTPS缺乏 1983年美国Woo克隆了PKU的致病基因苯丙氨酸羟化


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