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工频电量虚拟测试仪 摘 要 工频电量虚拟测试仪是由信号采集、信号处理和结果显示三大部分构成其中信号采集部分是由硬件实现,其它两部分都是由软件是美国NI仪器公司的创新软件产品,也是应用最广泛、发展最快、功能最强的图形化软件开发环境实现。它除了通用功能外,又具有普通所没有的许多优点,如波形可存储为数据文件,以便进行永久保存、随时调用数据,进行波形实时显示、打印,其成本低廉,功能可根据应用的需要不断加强。它具有开发周期短、运行速度快、可重用性、使用方便灵活等优点Abstract Virtual-frequency power consumption tester is signal acquisition, signal processing and the results showed that constitute the majority. Some of which signal acquisition hardware sound card is achieved, including the use of sound card to signal acquisition and application of the principle of the introduction; the other two are part of LabVIEW software (it is the United States NI equipment companys innovative software products, is the most widely and rapidly growing, the most powerful graphical software development environment) achievable. This virtual test instrument includes the development of functional requirements analysis, system parameters to be measured. system should achieve the accuracy and various parameters of the test methods, and includes the software framework, process, and various functional modules of the course. In addition to its generic functions, but also has general tester did not have many advantages, such as waveform storage for data files, for permanent preservation at the disposal of data, real-time waveform display, print, the cost is cheap, function under the application should be strengthened constantly. And it has a short development cycle, running speed, reusability, ease-of-use advantages. Keywords  Virtual Instrument Data Acquisition Frequency parameter 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.1.1 课题的目的 1 1.1.2 课题的意义 2 1.2 论文主要内容介绍 3 第2章 课题的开发工具介绍 5 2.1 虚拟仪器简介 5 2.1.1虚拟仪器技术的本质特征 5 2.1.2虚拟仪器技术的特点 6 2.1.3测量仪器与自动测试系统未来的发展方向 6 2.1.4 虚拟仪器与传统仪器的比较 7 2.2 虚拟仪器LabVIEW 7 2.2.1 LabVIEW 开发平台 8 2.2.2 LabVIEW 发展方向及特点 8 2.2.3 程序创建步骤 9 2.3 本章小结 10 第3章 数据采集系统 11 3.1 硬件系统的实现 11 3.1.1 声卡简介 11 3.1.2 声卡的工作原理及性能指标 12 3.2 采集系统软件的实现 13 3.3 本章小结 16 第4章 工频测量原理 17 4.1 工频特性参数 17 4.2 软件实现结构 18 4.2.1 While循环 19 4.2.2 移位寄存


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