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脑卒中后偏瘫患者的肩痛问题 (Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain) 上海市广济康复医学门诊 Contents 肩关节的功能解剖 肩关节组成 盂肱关节(球窝关节 )(GH ) 肩锁关节 (AC ) 胸锁关节(SC ) 肩胸关节 肩峰下关节(第二肩关节) 肩关节的功能解剖 Classified by Smith et al., 1996 bony articulations glenohumeral joint sternoclavicular joint acromioclavicular joint functional joints scapulothoracic articulation suprahumeral articulation (subacromial articulation): the articulation between the coracoacromial ligament and the humerus bicipital groove (the groove between the greater and lesser tuberosities of the humerus) 肩关节的功能解剖 肩关节的功能解剖 肩袖肌肉 肩关节的功能解剖 肩袖(Rotator Cuff) 肩胛下肌、冈上肌、冈下肌和小圆肌。 肩袖作用:保持肱骨头与关节盂的紧密接触,在肩关节运动中使肱骨有个支点,并维持肩关节的稳定作用。肩袖损伤后,关节盂和肱骨头之间的间隙增宽,肱骨头和肩峰及喙肩韧带之间常发生碰撞,产生疼痛,被称之为“撞击综合症”(impingement syndrome)。 冈上肌在肩袖中极易受损,尤其是在肩外展活动频繁时,由于冈上肌肌腱穿过肩峰下和肱骨头上的狭小间隙,所以很容易受到挤压、摩擦而损伤,产生无菌性炎症或肌腱断裂。 肩肱节律 scapulohumeral rhythm Inman et al. (1944) GH: ST = 2:1 after 30o of abduction measured frontal plane motion Bagg and Forrest (1988) GH: at the beginning and the end ST: 80-140 o of abduction averaged ratio: 1.25:1 measured plane of scapula motion shoulder abduction ROM total range:0o-165o or 175o glenohumeral joint:0o-120o of shoulder abduction 0o-60o with full internal rotation of humerus 0o-90o with full external rotation of humerus sternoclavicular joint:0o-30o or 45o most occurring in 1st 90o of arm elevation STJ ACJ shoulder flexion joint involved glenohumeral joint (principal joint) sternoclavicular joint acromioclavicular joint scapulothoracic articulation glenohumeral joint ROM:0o-90o of shoulder flexion arthrokinematic movements posterolateral glide of the humeral head on the glenoid cavity with shoulder flexion 偏瘫肩痛的病因及发病机制 偏瘫肩痛的病因及发病机制 偏瘫肩痛——impingement 肩胛骨下沉和后缩(张力不平衡) 肩胛骨旋转有延迟过程(正常的肩肱节律消失) 肱骨内旋肌痉挛和短缩 外旋不充分,致喙肩韧带嵌入肱骨大结节与肩峰之间 痉挛阻碍肱骨头在关节盂内正常的向下运动(较少病例) 触诊可及肱骨头紧贴于肩峰 偏瘫肩痛的表现和诊断 ①肩痛; ②肩关节活动度受限; ③在坐位上肩峰下可触及凹陷; ④X线检查。病侧肩正位,肩峰与肱骨头之间的间隙14mm;两侧肩正位片相比,病侧上述间隙比健侧10mm; ⑤单侧肩手痛,皮肤潮红、皮温上升; ⑥手指屈曲受限; ⑦局部无外伤、感染的证据,也无周围血管病的证据。 其中③、④主要为肩关节半脱位诊断标


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