
GIS投影法遙測GIS Softwae and Spatial Analysis TechniquesSoftware.ppt

GIS投影法遙測GIS Softwae and Spatial Analysis TechniquesSoftware.ppt

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GIS投影法遙測GIS Softwae and Spatial Analysis TechniquesSoftware

GIS投影法、遙測、GIS Software and Spatial Analysis Techniques/Software 圓柱投影法 Cylindrical projections 1552年一位荷蘭的製圖家麥卡托,發明了一種特別的圓柱投影法,這種方法是將地球儀投影在圓柱筒上,再攤開成為平面地圖的方法,地球儀與圓柱接觸的地方是一個大圓,通常是赤道。 圓柱投影法 圓錐投影法 Conic projections 圓錐投影法是將地球儀投影到圓錐上,再展開成平面地圖的一種方法,球體與圓錐接觸的地方 通常都是中高緯度的一條緯線,這種投影法雖然是會造成扭曲,但是狀況比較不嚴重。 圓錐投影法 平面投影法 Azimuthal projections 平面投影又稱為方位投影或天頂投影,這種投影法的投影面和地球儀相交於一個點,通常是南北極,但也可以是地球上的任何一點,投影出來的平面地圖呈圓形,緯線是一個一個的同心圓,經線則是從圓心向外的一些放射線,這種投影法所投影出來的地圖,面積比例和實際的相符。 平面投影法 台灣地區遙測影像來源包括: 中等解析度衛星SPOT(法國光學遙測衛星) 高解析度衛星EROS A1 (以色列) 高解析度衛星IKONOS (美國Space?Imaging公司) 高解析度商業衛星Quick Bird影像 (美國) 雷達衛星ERS 2 (歐洲太空總署, European Space Agency) 雷達衛星Radarsat (加拿大資源衛星 ) 福爾摩沙衛星 (台灣) 航空攝影像片 空載多譜掃描儀影像 無人載具遙測影像 GIS Data Transformation: Making Maps Determining what spatial and attribute data sets would be helpful and then to link them Geocoding Data display: event mapping, overlays, … etc Selected GIS Software Products: Advantages and Disadvantages SAS/GIS? This software also enables you to do more than simply view data in its spatial context. It allows you to interact with data by selecting features and performing actions based on those selections. SAS/GIS software draws on computing capabilities of the SAS System and enables you to access, manage, analyze, and present your data easily. SAS/GIS software uses two basic types of data: Spatial data - containing the coordinates and identifying information describing the map itself Attribute data - containing information that can be linked to the spatial data--for example, matching addresses or coordinates in the spatial data For example, the U.S. Census Bureau distributes both types of data: TIGER line files - contain spatial information that you can use to build maps. summary tape files - contain population and other demographic information that you can link to the maps. SAS/GIS Start a SAS/GIS session with the following selection from the Solutions menu: Solutions?-Analysis?-Geographic Information System GIS:


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